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No joke - the amount of rain SC got is absolutely unreal....
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After the front went through the last couple of days, and dumped a ton of rain on us, it cooled off quite a bit down here.

68 degrees on the way into work at 8 am this morning. Last week was around 84 degrees at the same time.
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This is bull[Mark May]. I need snow and cold or my viking blood boils and I must pillage.

Looking at Ohio's long-range forecast makes me want to hit someone in the head with a brick. I hate "winters" like this. It seriously does piss me off.

Can't recall right now, so it may have been my daughter's Ancestry lineage, and not mine, but there was a king of Denmark or Norway back in the 700's in there--so maybe your Viking blood theory is true.
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This really is bullshit. It's not just the no snow "winter", it's the warm weather too. It also fucking sucks working 2nd shift because I could realistically wear shorts and a sleeveless shirt on my way into work at 2pm, but by the time I get off it's 30 degrees colder so I need a sweatshirt and jeans. If i wear a long sleeve shirt and jeans into work, I sweat my ass off for the first half of the night.

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