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Good morning, 'Kyle. It is beyond stupid. Bordering on thunderous downpour...still.

Can't avoid estimating how much snow that would convert to if it wasn't still effing July outside right now. This December is giving me issues (and I already had enough of those.)
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That would make at least two of us.

I keep running across people who just love that it's so warm out. (Then move to Florida, bitch.)
Much more of this, and I may resort to violence against the next one of these idiots. Be spending Christmas in the slammer instead of at Lennox watching Star Wars.
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That would make at least two of us.

I keep running across people who just love that it's so warm out. (Then move to Florida, bitch.)
Much more of this, and I may resort to violence against the next one of these idiots. Be spending Christmas in the slammer instead of at Lennox watching Star Wars.
Violence at Lennox would accomplish both
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NH is a gorgeous state. Went to Mt. Washington a few years ago & took the cog to the summit. Fantastic view.

Back to the weather: Noticed on TWC's crawl this morning that they're now saying possible tornado outbreak coming this week.
That's what the summer-in-December lovers don't get: one kind of abnormal is balanced out by another. And some of the balance can get violent.
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Anyone traveling through south of the Ohio River (Kentucky, Tennessee) as far west as the Mississippi river to around northern Mississippi/Alabama/Arky needs to pay attention Wednesday night. The potential for a significant severe weather event with super heavy rain and significant tornadoes exists from approximately 4PM through 4AM Wednesday night into Thursday...

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