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1/2 Mile wide or bigger tornado ran through eastern Dallas about 15 minutes ago.

There was a smaller dual tornado to the west of this one going through central Dallas. Multiple injuries being reported.

Appears multiple tornadoes prompted grounding/rerouting of flights to/from DFW. Several CFB writers flying into Dallas tonight for Cotton Bowl week were rerouted to Austin.
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Those nighttime tornado pics are nightmare-inducing.

They're the kind of nightmare that you're lucky if you wake up from.

BTW, what kind of twisted, perverted, evil irony was at work this week, that two of the towns with tragic death tolls were named Holly and Garland? Not funny, Mother Nature. Not funny at all.
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There's some kind of white specks blowing around out there. Looks like snow, but it bounces more like sleet.

Sat out in it for a while, trying to assimilate the idea that we were having something that looks like winter.

It's not much, but you take what you can get.
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