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not from our own weather, but Louisiana is being threatened by river flooding again.
they opened one spillway along the Mississippi (between Baton Rouge and New Orleans) this weekend, and are prepared to open the one north of Baton Rouge if necessary.
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Alex becomes first January hurricane to occur in Atlantic since 1955

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The other night was the first snowflake I have seen this year.. didn't quite make it up to "dusting" level
not complaining...
if somebody told me this.. coupled with today being in the 50s and pure sunshine... I'd have called BS
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I was actually in my car at the time. Does that count?


You didn't say what kind of windows or where they were located. Note to self to make note to self about filling in reality with assumptions.

Was it in Stranger in a Strange Land? The line that went something like "Ask him what color that house on the hill is and he'll tell you it's painted white...on this side."
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weather is freaking weird here.

last night at my son's baseball practice, it was around 51° with very little wind, but holy shit was it cold.
felt considerably colder than the 36° and windy we had for like a day last week.
now, it's 55° and muggy. feels closer to 70°.
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weather is freaking weird here.

last night at my son's baseball practice, it was around 51° with very little wind, but holy [Mark May] was it cold.
felt considerably colder than the 36° and windy we had for like a day last week.
now, it's 55° and muggy. feels closer to 70°.

That is your punishment for starting baseball practice in January.
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Could the DC, Baltimore blizzard eclipse historic snowstorm totals?


Our forecast?

  • Friday
    Jan 22
    Rather cloudy and chilly 29° Lo 21° RealFeel® 18° / Lo
  • Saturday
    Jan 23
    Clouds breaking and chilly 30° Lo 13° RealFeel® 20° / Lo 11°
  • Sunday
    Jan 24
    Mostly sunny and chilly 32° Lo 20° RealFeel® 29° / Lo 19°

Central Ohio: I effing hate you. :mad1:
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