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Extremely windy which makes it bitterly cold.. had to let pups out to do their business and they do not want to go out.. the shepard thinks he's a child.. diving in head first and thrashing in it.. my hands were totally frostbitten by time I shoveled a 20 foot path for the little pups... spots have zero snow next to drifts of 3 ft.. supposed to snow next 24 hours

This storm was NOT a secret.. if you were breathing you heard about this storm for a week.. Today the news reports cars are backed up for 35 miles in Kentucky... 35 miles... In Bedford PA (halfway Pittsburgh and Harrisburg) there are massive car wrecks and no way to get to them.. Couple that with winds of 50 mph and wind chills way below zero, these stupid fuckers are in life threatening scenarios.. with only a gas tank away from freezing to death... but WORST - now jeopardize the lives of folks that have to go try to save their stupid asses
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Extremely windy which makes it bitterly cold.. had to let pups out to do their business and they do not want to go out.. the shepard thinks he's a child.. diving in head first and thrashing in it.. my hands were totally frostbitten by time I shoveled a 20 foot path for the little pups... spots have zero snow next to drifts of 3 ft.. supposed to snow next 24 hours

This storm was NOT a secret.. if you were breathing you heard about this storm for a week.. Today the news reports cars are backed up for 35 miles in Kentucky... 35 miles... In Bedford PA (halfway Pittsburgh and Harrisburg) there are massive car wrecks and no way to get to them.. Couple that with winds of 50 mph and wind chills way below zero, these stupid fuckers are in life threatening scenarios.. with only a gas tank away from freezing to death... but WORST - now jeopardize the lives of folks that have to go try to save their stupid asses
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Extremely windy which makes it bitterly cold.. had to let pups out to do their business and they do not want to go out.. the shepard thinks he's a child.. diving in head first and thrashing in it.. my hands were totally frostbitten by time I shoveled a 20 foot path for the little pups... spots have zero snow next to drifts of 3 ft.. supposed to snow next 24 hours

This storm was NOT a secret.. if you were breathing you heard about this storm for a week.. Today the news reports cars are backed up for 35 miles in Kentucky... 35 miles... In Bedford PA (halfway Pittsburgh and Harrisburg) there are massive car wrecks and no way to get to them.. Couple that with winds of 50 mph and wind chills way below zero, these stupid fuckers are in life threatening scenarios.. with only a gas tank away from freezing to death... but WORST - now jeopardize the lives of folks that have to go try to save their stupid asses

Watching TWC reporting on the turnpike backup. The emergency responder was saying they were going car to car to ask people if they needed anything, i.e., medical assistance. I thought, I want to go car to car knocking on windows and asking people "Why the hell are you here?"

I love snow, especially big snow, and envy you the experience. But, trapped in a car with limited fuel (even a full tank is a finite amount), little or no food or water, probably no blankets, no bathroom, and no chance of escape in sight for possibly more than a day is my idea of a nightmare. But, it was an avoidable nightmare. Live and learn, dummies. Or not.
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Deck has 21 inches.. off deck stairs is 31 inches.. in front of the garage.. zero... halfway down the driveway is 20 inches...
when wind is blustering at 50+ mph it's friggin cold.. but when it settles to 25 it's tolerable...
forecast is only 10 more hours of heavy snow
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