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Andrea has closed at least two of the area parks early, but I'm not seeing too much beyond typical rain and storms on the radars. It has been spawning tornadoes mostly on the east coast, but heard some reports of possible funnel clouds towards Tampa and Winter Haven, despite nothing showing on the radar there.
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3074326;2345263; said:
Sounds like the midwest is going to get fucked up tomorrow. "Derecho" is being thrown around a lot.

I personally don't think this is going to be nearly as bad but I'm just a amateur hobbyist...

that said, there will be severe storms - but to say something will line up like the derecho did is a stretch right now. There are a lot of the same ingredients however.
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I've seen close to several drops of rain sized rain drops so far despite direct TV bleeping like a goddamned Andrew Dice Clay routine broadcast on the 700 club.

I live with my baby mamma and daughter in an apartment. It's kind of a strange setup. It's a block foundation, but instead of it being buried and providing a basement, it's completely exposed, and turned into a garage...well more of a carport considering there are no garage doors. We decided to stay the night at my dads, just in case. Crazy how having a kid turned me into a vagina where shit like this is concerned. :lol: FML
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BUCKYLE;2345720; said:
I've seen close to several drops of rain sized rain drops so far despite direct TV bleeping like a goddamned Andrew Dice Clay routine broadcast on the 700 club.

I live with my baby mamma and daughter in an apartment. It's kind of a strange setup. It's a block foundation, but instead of it being buried and providing a basement, it's completely exposed, and turned into a garage...well more of a carport considering there are no garage doors. We decided to stay the night at my dads, just in case. Crazy how having a kid turned me into a vagina where shit like this is concerned. :lol: FML


Yeah - I just got the couch downstairs prepared if i gotta move the kids fast. Before the kids, I would have been out on the front porch watching it roll in....
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Mike80;2345722; said:

Yeah - I just got the couch downstairs prepared if i gotta move the kids fast. Before the kids, I would have been out on the front porch watching it roll in....

That's what I'm sayin'! I was all "fuck that noise, I'm sleeping in MY bed". Then I kept thinking about having her wake up during the storm and her mom freaking out because we don't have a basement. Finally I was all "better safe than sorry". Shit, three years ago I'd have probably went to Rooster's and tried to ride it out bellied up to the bar.
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BUCKYLE;2345724; said:
That's what I'm sayin'! I was all "fuck that noise, I'm sleeping in MY bed". Then I kept thinking about having her wake up during the storm and her mom freaking out because we don't have a basement. Finally I was all "better safe than sorry". Shit, three years ago I'd have probably went to Rooster's and tried to ride it out bellied up to the bar.


Yeah - hell I would have been up around Marion/Prospect chasing that tornado/wall cloud earlier before the kids came around.
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