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Wow that's crazy. Without reading your post after the video, I was going to say something about the "hook" that forms. Hook = bad news bears

And here I am about to post something like my allergies have been pretty bad here the last few weeks. Hope everyone in TX stays safe
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the pictures of the devastation in Moore, Edmound, Carney and adjacent areas of Oklahoma is unreal....entire communities are just gone. Two Elementary schools and a Day care were flattened.



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That area is historically prime for hellacious tornados... I used to travel to Lawton often... first time was after a particularly destructive tornado (1979) and as I was on my way from hotel to the plant, I passed a long stretch of sidewalks that led to nothing.. houses were gone... homes are built on slabs.. then another time the minute I landed and got in the rental, the news was blaring that 5 tornados were spotted in the Lawton/Norman area... and I realized I never paid attention to what I was supposed to do... so I drove to the hotel as fast as I could and got into the shelter... while looking at 3 of them in my site path

I've been in way too many tornadoes.. then I get out here in Jersey and have been thru four hurricanes... the thing with hurricanes is... they go on for hours and hours... two went on for over a day... Sandy went on for over 30 hours.... very stressful... cuz once they hit, no help is coming.. everyone is locked down... including emergency help and crews

Factoid: On April 10, 1979 Lawton was hit by ELEVEN tornados.. five level 4s... one killed 42 and injured 1740, another killed 11 and injured 68
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Dear heartless bastard, (:wink:)
The smaller rural Okla towns are usually the ones that get hit... this one hit the major metro.. It's probably easier to protect the small population of a rural town than have the wherewithal to protect a large metro population.

The smaller towns may have 100K populations.. and being larger land masses (farms) have somewhat adequate sheltering... Oklahoma City is literally HALF of the entire population of the state... tough to have adequate sheltering for 1.5 million folks.. and tough to build structures to withstand 200 mph twisters

Despite any prep you may do knowing such a disaster is coming.. you are never prepared for the most fierce... much of Jersey thought we were prepared for a hurricane but there is no way you can prepare for Sandy...
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Very interesting twist... and bad karma

Both Oklahoma senators (Coburn & Inhofe) voted AGAINST aid for Sandy... dirt bags.. them and 32 other senators delayed aid to Sandy victims for many months... how does grovelling work for you
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NJ-Buckeye;2338786; said:
Very interesting twist... and bad karma

Both Oklahoma senators (Coburn & Inhofe) voted AGAINST aid for Sandy... dirt bags.. them and 32 other senators delayed aid to Sandy victims for many months... how does grovelling work for you
They voted against Sandy aid due to the accompanying pork. It contained substantially more than just storm relief.

Coburn has already issued a statement that he will only accept relief funds if they are offset by other federal spending cuts. I wouldn't expect much, if any, groveling.
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NJ-Buckeye;2338650; said:
That area is historically prime for hellacious tornados... I used to travel to Lawton often... first time was after a particularly destructive tornado (1979) and as I was on my way from hotel to the plant, I passed a long stretch of sidewalks that led to nothing.. houses were gone... homes are built on slabs.. then another time the minute I landed and got in the rental, the news was blaring that 5 tornados were spotted in the Lawton/Norman area... and I realized I never paid attention to what I was supposed to do... so I drove to the hotel as fast as I could and got into the shelter... while looking at 3 of them in my site path

I've been in way too many tornadoes.. then I get out here in Jersey and have been thru four hurricanes... the thing with hurricanes is... they go on for hours and hours... two went on for over a day... Sandy went on for over 30 hours.... very stressful... cuz once they hit, no help is coming.. everyone is locked down... including emergency help and crews

Factoid: On April 10, 1979 Lawton was hit by ELEVEN tornados.. five level 4s... one killed 42 and injured 1740, another killed 11 and injured 68

Houses are still built on slabs out here. The ground doesn't really allow for basements. It also makes in-ground storm shelters difficult to install if not impossible in certain areas. I'm having an above ground storm shelter put in my house. Thankfully we were not hit by this round.
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