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Thump;2342710; said:
Praying this thing isn't on the ground long enough to get to Moore.

it should stay north of Moore. But anyone in downtown OKC or along I-40 is going to get a hit I think....

Doppler velocities are off the scale, the hail is going to be bigger than softballs and it's all rain wrapped so you can't really see the damned thing....
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Mike80;2342712; said:
it should stay north of Moore. But anyone in downtown OKC or along I-40 is going to get a hit I think....

Doppler velocities are off the scale, the hail is going to be bigger than softballs and it's all rain wrapped so you can't really see the damned thing....

Heading towards Yukon now it appears.
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as if it's bad enough to get one huge tornado...that storm has split and is producing TWO separate tornadoes now. Insane.

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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veNJBosc6EA"]5/31/2013 CLOSE RANGE Union City, Oklahoma Tornado - INSANE Video - YouTube[/ame]
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NJ-Buckeye;2338650; said:
I've been in way too many tornadoes.. then I get out here in Jersey and have been thru four hurricanes... the thing with hurricanes is... they go on for hours and hours... two went on for over a day... Sandy went on for over 30 hours.... very stressful... cuz once they hit, no help is coming.. everyone is locked down... including emergency help and crews

i've been in both hurricanes and tornadoes as well.

here in this part of the country, the tornadoes are quite rare, and usually are not very strong.

with that said, I still prefer Hurricanes.

typically with Hurricanes, we get at least a couple days advance notice they are coming.
we usually know how strong they're gonna be, what kinda water to expect, etc.

with tornadoes, you get very little notice.
and you have no idea how strong it is until it hits.
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Mac;2343733; said:
You've got to be kidding me...driving to Florida over night Fri until next Sarurday (the 15th)

This stupid Andrea thing better not mess up my vacation

Where are you going in Florida? Not really doing much but raining on and off around me, which is typical this time of year.
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Mac;2343765; said:
Ormond Beach just North of Daytona

So far the East Coast (where I am, just a couple hundred miles south) is only getting the normal rain for the season.

Next week should be fairly normal, partly sunny with afternoon thunder storms. Highs in the mid to high 80s, humid (due to the rain), and lows in the mid 70s.
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