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BayBuck;2345773; said:
Underwhelming. Dispatch called it a derech-no. melol

the Disgrace was complicit in hyping the damn thing up too.

Now the next time they predict severe weather, some morons will take it lightly because that's what they saw in the papers/TV the last time and it turned out to be nothing.
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typical south Louisiana summer.

hot as fuck, and a rain shower just about every day.

luckily, the rain has been coming late afternoon/early evening, and cooling things down a bit.
which is better than the alternative of getting rain around lunch or so then stopping early enough for the sun to turn this bitch into a sauna.
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The rains have started, thank God! This is our third year of draught and we didn't even get any help this year from spring rains. My front yard is a desert. I had one tree and it is gone. Humidity has been around 8%. Just think about that number for a moment.
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