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It's a cool 65 degrees and sunny in Cleveland. It's that time of year when the weather in Ohio is perfect. You can wear whatever you'd like and be comfortable. You can open all the windows in your house and get that fall 'smell'. Anyone who has lived in the state during this time of year knows exactly what I'm talking about - it'll be cool during the day and crisp in the morning. Fall weather. Ohio weather. Football weather. Honestly, from August - Late October, there are fewer places that can be as pleasant (seasonal wise) than the Great State of Ohio.

The HOF game and pre-season won't be enough. I need me some Buckeye football.
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while this was never a strong or well developed storm, she has really fallen apart over night.

looks like the "eye" will pass directly overhead later tonight.
and we're predicted to get winds topping out below 40, and 2" or so of rain.

sitting outside right now, and you'd never guess that a "storm" would be here in less than 12 hours.
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