Exactly. While I do want the new structure to move faster than the NCAA in general, I hope they allow for the punishment for the CUNTS to be handed down BEFORE they fly the Double Bird to the NCAA. As much as I would want them to have the power to punish scUM appropriately for crimes committed before the new power structure was a thing, the scUM have shown that they are plenty willing to go to court to avoid being held accountable. Not being a lawyer, I don't have an opinion on whether such a suit would hold up in court. Unless one of our actual lawyers (will the real BKB please stand up) weighs in with a reason to be optimistic; I'd rather they didn't risk it. Let the process play out. Then kick the NCAA to the curb.Both sound good to me. Hopefully, #2 happens before #1. I think if #1 happens first, #2 isn't going to happen.
And make one of the new by-laws of the new power structure be that any institution that is on active probation with the former power structure begins their involvement with the new structure by being burned to the ground and the earth salted. And don't let the namby-pamby court system get in the way.