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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Let's start the campaign to replace him with Chris Speilman!

We all know Speilman wouldn't hesitate to put that cocksucker Mark May in his place the VERY FIRST TIME he said something stupid in front of him.
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With Shapiro departing espin I wouldn't be surprised if May ends up on another espin venue, or leaves the network. Shapiro is the one behind all the controversial formats, new "sport" programs, confrontational shows and the newer attempts to gain market share beyond popular sports. With his departure, I'm guessing the new boss will shake the pot.

At least the gameday group has some integrity with most of their opinions. Seldom do any of them sink to the lows of may's and eggbert's outrageous and unfactual diatribes.
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can't believe he's dumb enough to get fired from a great gig like the ESPN job without a backup plan.

Strike that - Trev is dumb enough. :biggrin:<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I wouldn't really say that. Most of the ex-player current commentators already have enough money for 3 lifetimes. I tend to think most of them do it for fun and to keep them busy.
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Golferdow01 said:
I love Mark May about as much as I love losing to scUM...if that puts it into perspective

I love Mark May about as much as I love smashing my big toes with a sledge hammer.

I love Mark May about as much as I love losing a Ro-Sham-Bo contest.

I love Mark May about as much as I love watching the movie Pearl Harbor.

Wait a minute....I smell a new thread forming....
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lvbuckeye said:
i tend to agree, but i must point out that JZ ran the spread his entire prep career, so it's not like this is new to him...
i think we'll see both...
i'm cool with either guy, as long as we get the win...

i'd like to see them both in at the same time... put JZ in the shot-Ginn with Troy flanked to his right, TG2 in the slot... option right, and pitch to Troy, who drops back and THROWS TO A STREAKING GINN!!! TOUCHDOWN, OHIO STATE!!!

hey, we can dream, can't we? :p

True, and Zwick definitely looked more mobile last game than ever before. However, athletically the spread would favor Smith a lot more. I think Zwick definitelly earned som PT with that performance and frankly I could care less who the QB is as long as they are hitting their targets...I'll leave that up to JT.

...as for your dreams lv, why don't you leave those for the Romper Room if you really feel the need to share them :wink:
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Speaking of the quarterbacks...

How many sacks expected for both? I think we might get to VY 3 times or so, what do you think? And I've not seen Texas' D play much so I can't really comment for them.

And I don't think either team can afford an early interception. A quick lead for tOSU and it could be over. And anything to quiet the shoe early could hinder our chances.
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I see the sack number vs. VY going a few ways...

1) tOSU's pursuit stymies him and he takes the sack after scrambling and looking for a seam.

2) He avoids the sack by releasing the ball into bad situations thereby leading to turnovers

3) He hurts the defense by completing numerous passes to check-down backs or after an escape ala Smith vs. scUM

Honestly, I see QB pressures and hits as more of a telling stat in this game. We don't necessarily have to sack him, but he needs to know the defense is coming every play.
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