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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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scarletngrey77 said:
the only thing im worried about this game is the trenches. texas obviously has a great o-line, what are everyones thoughts on this? do we have a chance to hold our ground and the line of scrimmage?

texas' d-line is great also, but im not that worried about them, i know they have 3 great tackles, but i think with all the recievers we will have on the field that we will force the longhorn d-line to rush only 3. i think that we will spread the field so that its easier to run the ball and pass.

This is my main concern! I hope we are able to win the battle in the trenches by a substantial margin. We need to in order to counter your LB's effectiveness. OU brought safeties, corners, and LB's and we couldn't make plays. Our Oline also let their Dline get way too much penetration and that was it! Same thing with Wash St. in the Holiday Bowl a few years back.

If we can't wear you guys down on both sides of the ball, then I don't like our chances. Needless to say, we have to win the turnover battle as well.

Question to Buckeye Fans:

Are you in the least concerned about Troy making his debut against Texas in such a huge stage? I know he killed Michigan, but as many have pointed out, Mich struggled all year with running QB's. Jay Z looked good enough to me to start the game. I would think Tressel will allow Troy to come in according to some predetermined script. But watching Troy from last year, he had a tendency to force the ball into tight coverage because of his arm strength. He seems to take more chances than Jay Z. Jay Z gets flustered under pressure, but he doesn't seem to rely on his arm strength as much.

I have to admit, I was pretty impressed with your offensive performance last week. Zwick was pretty accurate and he got the ball out quick. Troy adds that extra dimension with his feet. It's great to have 2 Qb's that you feel can get the job done, but that's a really tough call. As everyone knows we've done the dual QB thing at Texas much like you guys with Stanley?/ Germaine. I never really liked the set-up as it always imploded for us in certain situations. I sure hope Troy is rusty as hell!! I also hope he is really anxious to make things happen and throws us the ball!! We need to score points in this game cause we cannot rely on our kicking game!!!
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"Over the years there's been some discomfort over how to integrate the two teams," he said on Tuesday. "But, it's like a coach who has a lot of good backs and receivers. Everyone has a role to play."
:slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy:

That's a bunch of BS.

Hopefully they re-evaluate the entire scoreboard show and fire May as well.
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