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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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You're FIRED!
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OSUsushichic said:
Let's just hope that they don't replace Trev with May. :bonk:

HA! And then fill May's spot with Trev??? :biggrin:

Damn, Sushichic, you editted your post. Now it looks like I'm making up quotes.... I guess I'll just go back to talking to myself.... Or then again, maybe I'll apply for Trev's job. I couldn't do any worse!
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I have to admit, around 1/2 way through the third quarter last week all that was going through my head was "We're going to beat the living shit out of Texas". But realistically, I agree with the betting line and say take your pick. If we lined these teams up 10 times we'd be lucky to win 7. I do know one thing, there's going to be a whole lot of talent on the field on Saturday, and I think it will be one hell of a show. Having said that, I just don't see Texas coming into the Shoe and taking one from this squad. Not with Jim Tressel on our sideline. :oh: :io:

My guess, Buckeyes 17, Longhorns 13.

With all the hype over Vince Young being the next Mike Vick and our new spread look offense I think both defenses are getting shafted. It is going to be tough for either team to move the ball in this one. Barring a big turnover or special teams mistake I don't see anybody running up the score. Defense wins championships, and it will win this game too.:osu:
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I personally believe we will win the battle in the trenches on offense, and most likely on defense. I am not discrediting Ohio State's offensive line by any means, but i think by in large our D line is very underrated. They are very big and athletic...collegefootballnews.com rated our d-line a 10 and OSU's o-line an 8.5. I knwo ratings mean nothing, but i feel we will get sufficient pressure on the QB. I'm worried about short routes by ginn and holmes and big runs after the catch. Kind of Texas tech like...little 8 yard slants, outs and such...getting the ball into the dangerous guys' hands and let them go to work
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Amidst all the celebration , I'm sorry but I have to speculate that FoxSports will pick up Trev. They're adding a lot of coverage, and they'll need some guys to fill spots.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trev was already talking to them. I can't believe he's dumb enough to get fired from a great gig like the ESPN job without a backup plan.

Strike that - Trev is dumb enough. :biggrin:
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Hornfan2004 said:
I personally believe we will win the battle in the trenches on offense, and most likely on defense. I am not discrediting Ohio State's offensive line by any means, but i think by in large our D line is very underrated. They are very big and athletic...collegefootballnews.com rated our d-line a 10 and OSU's o-line an 8.5. I knwo ratings mean nothing, but i feel we will get sufficient pressure on the QB. I'm worried about short routes by ginn and holmes and big runs after the catch. Kind of Texas tech like...little 8 yard slants, outs and such...getting the ball into the dangerous guys' hands and let them go to work

D-line underrated? Did they give out higher scores than 10?
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