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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Na-Na-Na-Na Hey-Hey-Hey Goooodddbyyyyyeeee....Later Trev!

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Yertle said:
I love Mark May about as much as I love smashing my big toes with a sledge hammer.

I love Mark May about as much as I love losing a Ro-Sham-Bo contest.

I love Mark May about as much as I love watching the movie Pearl Harbor.

Wait a minute....I smell a new thread forming....

I'll let you start it Yertle cause you get vBucks for all the posts in there...i'm such a nice guy :)
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Golferdow01 said:
I'll let you start it Yertle cause you get vBucks for all the posts in there...i'm such a nice guy :)

vBucks? No offense to the BP masses, but I don't really vCare. I'll start it anyways. I'd hate for someone else to be blamed for a flop of a thread.
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I certainly will shed no tears tonight, though I do think that Trev was becoming a better analyst. He stopped trying to get the knee jerk reaction, and actually tried to make some sense from time to time. Unfortunately for him he had already been branded a circus clown. He burnt his own bridge, and never would have been taken seriously.

I can only cross my fingers that we could be so lucky to have May fired. He is a total asshole.
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