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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Great news.

It would be horrible if Lou Holtz got more air time as was mentioned above. He has no business being on television.

Get rid of MarK May because he is worse than Alberts. How in the hell can he say that Miami has better linebackers than OSU. Also get rid of Nick Lachey.
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ncBUCKEYE25 said:
How many sacks expected for both? I think we might get to VY 3 times or so, what do you think? And I've not seen Texas' D play much so I can't really comment for them.

Texas only gave up 11 sacks last year and a few of those were the backup QB. Our line is much better and Vince much stronger this year. He is also more comfortable reading defenses. You will likely have to blitz in order to sack him, and he will be just as likely to either hit a receiver in the hole in the coverage or just run out of trouble. I would be surprised if your front 4 can put much pressure on him alone. In my opinion 3 sacks is highly unlikely.

As for Texas getting sacks it may depend more on which QB plays more for you. Robison is looking really good with 8 tackles in at most 30 plays, while being in the backfield in 20 of them last week. Okam and Wright need to be double teamed or they will break through on a bull rush. Crowder is also outstanding and a couple younger guys Orakpo and Brown and very fast pass rushing ends who can run past an OT. Coach Chizik has the DL play a lot more agressively than coach Robinson did last year so we should get more sacks, pressures and TFLs this year. I have read some comments about your tackles having trouble blocking Miami's DEs, if true then Texas' DEs will be in the backfield all game.
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Hornfan2004 said:
what player that we all know would you most compare [Pittman] to? 5'11, 200 isn't TOO big...would you say he mainly relies on speed?

That's tough to say with only one game in the bank, coupled with the fact that his running has clearly evolved since last season. I'd say maybe Thurman Thomas, minus the freakish receiving ability.
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1) Vince Young - "Im just gonna try and have fun DOWN there."
(Can that big forehead of his lack this much direction?)

I'm here to clear one thing up. In Texas (maybe not Ohio) when someone says something like "I'm going down to Austin for the weekend." it doesn't give any indication of where they're starting out, everyone says "down" each time. It's actually one saying that always bugged me and I've tried to purge myself of (and I didn't even realize it was a regional saying until now.) It's like when we say we want a Coke but we're referring to any soft drink, we know it's incorrect but don't give a shit. I know it doesn't make sense but that's how it works here. And anyway, even though I prefer to say I'm going up, down, or over to a place depending on it's north, south, or east/west relationship to myself, only saying over makes any sense. Saying you're going up or down has nothing to do with north-south, I guess it's about whether you're jumping or digging a hole. With that said, I still have no problem referring to all soft drinks as Coke and I know it bugs the hell out of people from other parts of the country, just like it bugs the hell out of me when I hear someone ask for pop, soda, soda pop, soda popinsky, or any combination therein. And if anyone's curious, the correct spelling is y'all... not ya'll (another pet peeve.) :biggrin:
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sears3820 said:
This is a sad day for Bucknuts.

Albert's firing alone will wipe out 3/4 of the threads on the football discussion board.

As if this place doesn't bitch about Alberts?

Funny you should mention Bucknuts, though, because I never see BuckeyePlanet mentioned there.

This place is no better than Bucknuts, it's just different than Bucknuts. Both places have plenty of brainless windbags...something OSU alums have just learned to accept. It's the price of having a good football program.
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My favorite Trev story, it's your day Andy Geiger!

ESPN analyst Trev Alberts found dead

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Nebraska, (AP) - After a bizarre police investigation, authorities confirmed Thursday that former Nebraska star Trev Alberts has passed away.

The nationally unrespected ESPN analyst was found at the bottom of an Alabama well on Wednesday, and after a 19-hour autopsy, Mobile police commissioner Yokum Cletus publicly came forward with the death announcement.

"It is still confusing, but I think we have finally pieced together what happened to Mr. Alberts," Cletus said.

The commissioner proceeded to use dozens of graphs and models to show gathered media the timeline that led up to Alberts' demise.

Alberts was vacationing alone in a farm outside of Mobile, Ala., when he noticed a chicken running past the porch. He started chasing the animal down the road, eventually coming to some train tracks.

"We have tape of the train's captain sounding the whistle for a good three minutes, but Mr. Alberts just stood on the tracks and waved," Cletus said. "The chicken got off the tracks, but I guess Alberts was just messed in the head."

While the crash would kill most people on impact, Alberts' brain did not process that he had been hit, and the former Cornhusker was simply thrown into a nearby river.

After being swept into an estuary, Alberts' questionable judgment continued.

"He climbed up one of those tall Alabama oak trees," Cletus said. "Then he tried to fly home."

Once again, Alberts miraculously survived, and continued on his doomed journey.

He staggered around in a cornfield for roughly nine hours, and by trample patterns, walked in circles for the entire time, until coming to the fateful irrigation well.

Mr. Alberts proceeded to jump into the well, falling to the muddy bottom 20 feet below.

There he sat for what police estimate to be two days.

"We would have found him pretty soon," Cletus said. "He would still be alive today if he hadn't made that deadly mistake."

Like most country boys, Alberts got hungry. He hit paydirt when a 3-lbs. rat fell down the well to join him.

But unfortunately for the biggest bust in NFL history, Alberts had never learned how to chew.

"When we found that big rodent lodged halfway down his esophagus with claws bared and all, I thought 'Damn, that has got to be the most painful way to die ever,'" Cletus said.

Scientists have since confirmed that it was indeed the most painful death on record.

Alberts leaves behind his wife, who has since remarried former Cornhusker Tommy Frazier, and two children, who immediately dropped the Alberts' name.

The one positive for the late Alberts is that he is now the proud owner of a body bag, giving him one more sack than he accumulated in his entire NFL career.

The Ass. Press

Disclaimer: The above article is part The Chronicle's annual April Fool's Day issue. All events are fictional and plots are satirical...in other words, all of this is completely made up. So don't call your lawyers.
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Misanthrope said:
Both places have plenty of brainless windbags...something OSU alums have just learned to accept. It's the price of having a good football program.
Make sure that you lower that nose before you step into the shower. I'd sure hate to see an almighty alumnus drown. I'm so fucking (notice us non-alums use words like that for effect...you've probably come to accept this too) honored that you (speaking on behalf of all alumni) have found it in your highly educated heart to accept us "football fans". I didn't graduate from the Ohio State University. Hell, I have never even taken a single class from there. I joined the Army right out of High School 18 years ago. But, you know what I have been doing for the past 18 years? I have been paying taxes to the great state of Ohio (a State which I have not lived in since 1987), and I am pretty sure that some of that money has went to the Ohio State University. I think that should give me some sort of permission to support my State's University. Yeah, we have some brainless windbags...and if you consider me to be one of them, then you can just shove that acceptance right up your alumnass.
p.s.- I dinged you, but I couldn't fit my signature on there (that damn windbag problem I guess)
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