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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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now we just need someone to nail may when he is in columbus this weekend.

maybe we can import that bitch with the 9 different semens in her panties from the kobe trial to accuse mark may of some shit. she would probably blow may and accuse him of shit for a texas ticket.
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I am of the exact opposite opinion. Don't rush a soul, just keep your lanes and keep him corraled. Make VY complete passes all the way down the field and beat you with his arm and head. He can't do it consistently without chucking an INT.
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Well when Smith was first recruited, a lot of the posters here were talking about how he should line up at WR and what not...

If Tressel wants to get crazy, lining JZ and Smith next to eachother really isnt that crazy.

It's a whole new double option pass.
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BIATCHabutuka said:
now we just need someone to nail may when he is in columbus this weekend.

maybe we can import that bitch with the 9 different semens in her panties from the kobe trial to accuse mark may of some shit. she would probably blow may and accuse him of shit for a texas ticket.
May is a studio guy. He wont be in Columbus I think.
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osugrad21 said:
Honestly, I see QB pressures and hits as more of a telling stat in this game. We don't necessarily have to sack him, but he needs to know the defense is coming every play.

I agree. He needs to know it's coming, but have no freakin' idea where it's coming from. And it's just as important to mix it up to confuse their excellent O-line.
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I think it's funny that you think that if OSU gets an early lead it's over, but not vice versa as well....aren't both of these teams defenses very stingy?? I see about 2-3 each...depending on how much the QB's try to run. Running QB's are more inclined to get sacked because they try to run to avoid the rush instead of throwing it away...retreat, and get tackled...
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ESPN just showed a preview and set up for the Texas/OSU game. Two of the things that bothered me:

1) Vince Young - "Im just gonna try and have fun DOWN there."
(Can that big forehead of his lack this much direction?)

2) Tom Ranoldi - "Neither of OSUs quarterbacks have never played a games this big."
(Does he not know of the OSU/Michigan rivalry that Smith played in last year at Ohio Stadium?!)
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BuckeyePride85 said:
ESPN just showed a preview and set up for the Texas/OSU game. Two of the things that bothered me:

1) Vince Young - "Im just gonna try and have fun DOWN there."
(Can that big forehead of his lack this much direction?)

2) Tom Ranoldi - "Neither of OSUs quarterbacks have never played a games this big."
(Does he not know of the OSU/Michigan rivalry that Smith played in last year at Ohio Stadium?!)

If he really said the second one he is a perfect replacement for Trev. I'm pretty sure if he figures The Game is not a big game then Texas has never played in a big game either, say against someone like Oklahoma. I guess this guy's defintion of a big game is the National Championship and rivalries are nothing more than a scrimmage.
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Hornfan2004 said:
I think it's funny that you think that if OSU gets an early lead it's over, but not vice versa as well....aren't both of these teams defenses very stingy??

Indeed both D's are tough, but we have quarterbacks that can throw, and at least two proven wr's (with speed and hands), which can equal quick points, and in a hurry. At least moreso than a running game, which you guys tend to use more often.
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but aren't points points?? so if we get up early...and we have just as stingy of a D....shouldn't it be just as tough for either opponent to score no matter the style of offense they run?? If anything, that puts pressure on your QB to complete throws, and he might try to force something and throw an INT...i'm not saying anything is going to happen....just an argument to make an interesting point....
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Hornfan2004 said:
but aren't points points?? so if we get up early...and we have just as stingy of a D....shouldn't it be just as tough for either opponent to score no matter the style of offense they run?? If anything, that puts pressure on your QB to complete throws, and he might try to force something and throw an INT...i'm not saying anything is going to happen....just an argument to make an interesting point....
In the situation where one team is forced to throw, OSU would do better than Texas. That's not even opinion.
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