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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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many of these players played in the national championship, they will handle the pressure fine, we were a very disciplined team last week with only 2 penalties, tressel lives off of playing mistake free football, and thats what we need to do saturday.
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scarletngrey77 said:
many of these players played in the national championship, they will handle the pressure fine, we were a very disciplined team last week with only 2 penalties, tressel lives off of playing mistake free football, and thats what we need to do saturday.

Nice to see Hamby stay on our side of the line as well!
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I really enjoy everyone's enthusiasm for the outcome, but I just don't see anything but a close game.

The advantage of the Texas hogs indeeds causes me some concern. If we can keep their hogs off our lb's then it will be much better.

We can't lose the turnover battle and expect to win the game.

Like last week, we need to keep the penalties down also.

After last weekend, If it comes down to special teams, I like our chances. Our punting and kicking was pretty good against Miami.

I would love to have a game where it does'nt come down to the last couple series', but I just don't see it here.

Bucks 27

Texas 3

...............just kidding Texas!!:biggrin: I just want to win no matter what the score. :oh: :io:
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texasfight06 said:
its truly sad, but Mack always says that he keeps things vanilla and waits to show thing for the OU game, and then he never does. Maybe he will bring out some suprises of his own, but it would be uncharacteristic. I imagine that your ST will be more than ready for a fake FG this week considering the horrible display of extra pointery that we displayed.

but the only reason why I could see Mack using some trickification is because it is nonconference? At least I am hoping that maybe he takes this game a little differently than say 0U

I'm sure Mack will show up with a bag of goodies. One point is that none of these players have ever faced each other and only have film to go by. Some of our more common plays I think will work well both ways for that reason. Other than that, I haven't visited any Texas message boards but I assume the hype down south is just as big as it is here. I'm sure Mack will come prepared with a few surprises...if not I wish you well
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the only thing im worried about this game is the trenches. texas obviously has a great o-line, what are everyones thoughts on this? do we have a chance to hold our ground and the line of scrimmage?

texas' d-line is great also, but im not that worried about them, i know they have 3 great tackles, but i think with all the recievers we will have on the field that we will force the longhorn d-line to rush only 3. i think that we will spread the field so that its easier to run the ball and pass.
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40 Acres said:
Huff, in fact, may be the fastest player on the field, Ted Ginn Jr. included. I'm not saying he definitely is, but anyone who has run a 10.1 100 is in the discussion.
I hope you mean 100 yards because he doesn't run a 10.1 in the 100m. He ran a 10.59 at the Michael Johnson Invitational.

Ginn is the fastest on the football field in all of college football. I don't think there are many people who argue that he isn't. You will see after he dusts your defense and special teams a few times.

And now, our list of who is actually the fastest on the field. What is the criteria? Well, besides just using our eyes, we look for acceleration, ability to move through space, ability to break defensive pursuit angles and if you give him one step, is he gone?

1. Tedd Ginn--He gets the nod not only because he looks the fastest, but also because he is the youngest and least-banged up of all these guys--and hence has the freshest legs. He has a unique running style that betrays his hurdling background--head down and in a crouch.

2. Devin Hester--While Ginn is a gazelle, Hester is a jaguar. Has the rare ability to maintain his speed for the entire length of the football field.

3. Reggie Bush--As a freshman, Bush was easily the fastest player on the field in college football. Two years of getting bigger and getting hit has caused him to lose about a 1/4 step from his still-amazing explosiveness. Got caught from behind (barely) in the Orange Bowl, a telling sign or (relative) decline.

4. Steve Breaston, Michigan--A poor man's Ginn. He is a major breakaway threat.

5. Maurice Drew, UCLA--A poor man's Bush, he breaks more long runs than just about any running back out there.

6. Andre Caldwell, Florida--Speedy wideout should have a huge year under Urban Meyer.

7. Adrian Peterson, OU--He'll get beat up more this year, then will have to learn to become more of a grinder. But for now, he's still a major breakaway threat.

8. Vince Young, Texas--He has cat-like quickness in the open field, an amazing specimen at 6-5, 220.

9. DeAngelo Williams, Memphis--His injuries have slown him down a bit, but he still breaks into the open with regularity.

10. Ahmad Brooks, Virginia--Okay, he's not really No. 10. But have you ever seen a guy who is 6-4, 257 pounds move like that? He glides like he is on ice skates.
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I guess the game WILL be in high def, according to a source on BN that supposedly is reliable, although I cant look cause I was banned 3 times. Dont know if this was already known by everyone, but I had heard it was not going to be. Makes it all the sweeter :biggrin:
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BrutusMaximus said:
I guess the game WILL be in high def, according to a source on BN that supposedly is reliable, although I cant look cause I was banned 3 times. Dont know if this was already known by everyone, but I had heard it was not going to be. Makes it all the sweeter :biggrin:

I sure hope this is true!!! I shelled out nice coin this off season to watch football in high def this year. If this game is not in high def that would really suck!! The MIA/ FSU game was classic!! I now don't understand how l went so long without HD.
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I think (for the moment, atleast) the game will be decided by the 'other guys'. All the guys that everyone knows - Hawk, VY, Ginn, Wright, Carp, Harris, Youboty, Huff, etc - are gonna come out to play.

Both teams will need solid production out of the younger, inexperienced players to have much success.

We need one (gladly more) guy to be a threat to get consistent yards on offense, preferably at RB. We'll have a good rushing D. Getting a good 4-man pass rush will be key for us. I think if Crowder and/or Orakpo have a good day, we should be fine on D.
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BrockSamson said:
We'll have a good rushing D. Getting a good 4-man pass rush will be key for us. I think if Crowder and/or Orakpo have a good day, we should be fine on D.

I see a gameplan reminiscent of Marshall vs. tOSU last year...quick hitters to the flats to negate that front four...sorta like last week, but also more downfield throws to keep your DBs honest.

I agree, your DL could wreak havoc if the tOSU staff allows them.
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Pregame Bitching - Trev, May, N. Lachey, etc. (mega-merge)


ESPN sacks Alberts
College analyst fired after tiring of 'second-fiddle' role
Posted: Tuesday September 6, 2005 9:08PM; Updated: Tuesday September 6, 2005 9:08PM

John Walters, SI.com

ESPN fired Trev Alberts on Sunday after the college football analyst failed to show up for work at ESPN's studios in Bristol, Conn.

"He phoned and said that he wasn't going to show up," Mark Shapiro, ESPN's Vice President of Programming and Production, told SI.com on Tuesday night, "and when he didn't, he was in breach of his contract and we terminated him."

Alberts, a former All-American defensive end at Nebraska and member of the NFL's Indianapolis Colts, was embarking on his fourth season as part of ESPN's popular College Football Scoreboard and College Football Gameday team. But on Sunday morning, in the midst of college football's first big weekend of the season, Alberts phoned ESPN's coordinating producer of college football, Ed Placey, and voiced his discontent.

"He phoned us and told us that he was unhappy with his role on College GameDay," said Shapiro. "He felt that he was playing second fiddle."

As the day wore on, according to both Shapiro and Alberts, there were several conversations between Alberts and ESPN senior vice presidents Jed Drake and Norby Williamson. Finally, Alberts announced that he would not be reporting for work that afternoon (ESPN and ESPN2 aired three college football games between 3:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.). Once Alberts failed to appear for his studio show assignment with host Rece Davis and fellow analyst Mark May, he was fired.

"They first wanted me to resign," Alberts said on Tuesday night from his Atlanta home. "Then they fired me. I obviously have a serious problem with the word 'breach', but that's something my attorney will work out."

Alberts joined ESPN's studio show in 2002 after five years of working in a similar capacity at CNN/SI. Cantankerous, passionate and opinionated, Alberts often feuded with May about issues relating to the sport, but the feud never turned (or even appeared to seem) personal. Davis played the role of genial arbitrator to a tee.

"We were just trying to be three guys in a frat house talking football," said Alberts.

As far as his discontent and the phone calls to management, Alberts said that both began long before Sunday.

"It wasn't just this weekend," he said. "There were conversations for awhile. I fully understood the privilege of the seat I sat in. And it was never about wanting to be part of the GameDay crew. But no matter what business you're in, if you're not respected internally, you're going to have a hard time being respected externally."

Alberts declined to elaborate. The GameDay crew, with Chris Fowler as host and sidekicks Lee Corso and Kirk Herbstreit, has evolved into a wildly popular cult phenomenon. Each Saturday the trio's visit to a college campus is cause for pre-game pandemonium among the tailgating set.

Alberts claims that he never aspired to that, nor does he begrudge Fowler, Corso and Herbstreit their widening popularity.

"The GameDay guys have earned that," Alberts said. "Mark, Rece and I, we had searched for something we could call ours. All we wanted was something we could take ownership of. We felt like the midnight wrap-up show was ours, but as the season began I could see that we'd be more of a support crew for [Fowler, Corso and Herbstreit].

"Never once did I say, Why aren't I on commercials? Why aren't I making more money? I'm a huge fan of all these people who work at ESPN, including Mark [Shapiro]. It's just a matter of not wanting to be marginalized."

Shapiro concurred that the ESPN stable may have had a few too many thoroughbreds.

"Over the years there's been some discomfort over how to integrate the two teams," he said on Tuesday. "But, it's like a coach who has a lot of good backs and receivers. Everyone has a role to play."

Everyone except Alberts. He has been dismissed from the team. Shapiro said that in the short term a replacement will come from in-house, but as for a full-time replacement for Alberts, "essentially, we're open for business."
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