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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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martinss01 said:
also, it would have been a throw across his body when there were defenders both short and behind holmes. thats a dangerous pass, i don't care who the qb is. if you have a short yardage outlet... you take it in that situaiton. better to take the easy 5 yards and deal with a short yardage 2nd or 3rd down than sending your d back out on the field.

Like I said earlier, there was no one within 8 yards of Holmes...left, right, front, back, no where. This is not to belittle Zwick's overall performance, but it's still something he needs to improve on a little bit (his picking up WRs downfield).
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So what's up with all the Texas sportswriters taking Carpenter's quote out of context... Somehow they all seem to forget to include the "Its our goal" and go straight to the "VY will leave Columbus not a heisman candidate"... That is so very irritating...
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Gentleman, when you can only point out two missed opportunities for Zwick for an entire game, thats not too shabby. Yes, the INT was a poor decision. But him missing Holmes, while under pressure....was no big deal. #1, when under pressure, its not easy to see the whole field, thus he probably didn't see him. #2. He ended up completing the pass, making a good decision. In Tressel's offense philosophy....you all know he would rather the QB play close to the vest(sweater!LOL) rather then to take a chance. I am sure he has drilled that into Zwicks mind day after day in practice.
And if you want to be nit picking....I remember Smith not seeing Ginn streaking wide open down the sideline last year in a game.(don't recal what game). Its always easy to see those WR open from the stands......but when behind center and you have people rushing you, you have to make a split second decision most of the time. Go thru your progressions, a guy is open, you throw it.
By the way.....Tressel in his weekly news cast....said that without question, BOTH QB's will play Sat. But still didn't say who will start. Although Mangold was quoted as saying he believes it will be Zwick.
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Just Billboard Material....

is the reason they are taking it out of context. They are trying any way to get the shorthorns fired up.....it will do no good once the lights are turned on in the shoe and the shorthorns get shellshocked.

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Hokie fan here. Reason I am here is because I am a fan of Ted Ginn JR and followed him his SR yr in HS when he was being recruited and into when he picked OSU as his school. I keep a very close eye on him and I never had any problem with OSU. I respect your school and can't stand Michigan. I knew he'd make an impact right away, but not the impact he made. Exceeded my expectations.

I happen to think Texas and Young are good but overrated. Young isn't even the best QB in his conference. Reggie Mcneal is. Check their numbers last yr.

For this game, sounds cliche but challenge Young to throw down the field one on one with your CBs. Texas WRs are not that very good. So, load up on the run and stay close with the TEs, his usual outlets. Advantage OSU also has is Texas' young RBs, Young, Charles, and Taylor are not really battle tested against a strong defense. Young will probably get his rushing yards or make a play here or there but he won't run on this your like he did Michigan. I think because of OSU's ability to shut down Texas' offense is why you guys win the game. Being at home also is a lot for you guys.

And you don't have to do too much offensively though. Just stay within the game, don't turn it over. I think it could get out of hand. Not one of those big score dominations but where the score doesn't reflect how you beat them.
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Nice to see a Hokie on the planet, hope you stick around, and I hope you are right. I have a very quiet confidence leading into this game, but it won't be me making the tackles or scoring the touchdowns.

I would tend to agree with most of your thoughts though, VY tends to security blanket his TE's and doesn't throw a good deep ball. We will see on Sat night.
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this is a huge advantage for osu in my opinion, texas has to gameplan for both, obviously you want even more speed on the field when smith is in at quarterback, tressel is one smart guy im looking for some surprises come saturday.
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yeah me too, theres tons of new posters we see just starting to post here, most of them are really realistic and courteous. its really cool how some of them are from other teams.

lou holtz just picked ohio state to beat texas.
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