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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Though I'm in Austin, I lived in Chicago many years and went to a bunch of Big 10 games...regrettably none of Ohio State. All I remember is big time atmosphere...similar to our Red River Rivalry...but for just about every game. It was incredible. Love the football weather there too. Too damn hot in Austin still.
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I took a peek...not pretty. Though everyone saw the switch to Bomar coming...I think Stoops has his work cut out for him this year. It's tough to say anything since we've lost the last 5 but I'm starting to think the secret to Stoops success was the great assistant coaches he had...and now that he's lost a bunch of them...there seems to be chinks in the armor!
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Yeah, im really looking forward to the experience and can't wait to see this game. I understand your point about your teams record at night and stuff, but I really dont know if the difference between night and day. regardless of the time of this game, i'm sure it's going to be a dandy. I dont think it has too much to do with the Asst. coaches @ OU (although i'm sure it helps), i feel that the team had more leadership with previous quarterbacks and of course, more experience. The team this year lost their entire offensive line, the QB, a few receivers, and more than enough on defense....they're young and inexperienced in games...they'll come around and still be a competitive team this year.
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Hornfan2004 said:
No offense, and i'm not trying to start an argument, but Wisconsin came in to your stadium last year and beat you 24-13. Obviously it can be done....i understand the circumstances are different and such, but anyone can lose at home anyday.
A former Wisky QB, Brooks Bollinger, signed a picture of the Horseshoe in 2002 with 'They built it. We own it.'


Been a sore point, but the Bucks have fallen on hard times against the Badgers in recent years. One of the reasons the Badgers have repeated the success time and again is that they come in expecting they will win, not hoping they can win. The Badgers never abandon the run. Alverez has gotten the better of Jim Tressel by out 'Tressel-balling' him.

Get what yards you can, punt, play defense, and grind it out. Once a quarter, try for the cheap home run.
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BurntOrange said:
I took a peek...not pretty. Though everyone saw the switch to Bomar coming...I think Stoops has his work cut out for him this year. It's tough to say anything since we've lost the last 5 but I'm starting to think the secret to Stoops success was the great assistant coaches he had...and now that he's lost a bunch of them...there seems to be chinks in the armor!

if their QBs would not have sucked so bad, they could have pulled that game out like they pulled some of their later season victories over the past few years. But, that team did not look ready on Saturday.

Maybe that ass whipping at the hands of USC had some of the players not buying into Stoops this year. He was given so much credit for those teams over the last few years, I don't mind seeing him get more of the blame.
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Hornfan2004 said:
Haha, nope...that is one thing i do believe this site can agree on. We all do hate OU. Another question, who is OSU's running back this year?? what year is he? is he proven? what style of runner is he?? again...just curious

Pittman wil probably start, he is a soph. He has a bit of a slasher type of style, but displayed decent power last Sat.

edit, He is about 5'11" 200lbs.
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