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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Hornfan2004 said:
Does OSU have any really tall receivers?? How tall is Ginn and Holmes? what about gonzales?? just curious
They are all right about 6', Ginn a little taller 6'1" and Holmes a little shorter 5'11", I believe Gonzo is right in the middle. Hall is 6'3" I don't thinkk we have anyone this year that is exceptionally tall (Mike Jenkins was 6'5", but alas he is catching passes from Vick now).
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I was just curious because I know we don't have exceptionally tall corners/safeties, so i didn't know if y'all would be able to kind of "pick on" that one short corner with say, a 6'6 receiver. covering your receivers will be a difficult enough task, add a height difference and that equals no fair
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BurntOrange said:

I think you took the words right out of my head. I agree with you completely.

BTW, how much work is anyone getting done today??!!
I should just be sent home this week. I've answered about 3 emails, and my productivity will definately go down exponentially as it gets closer to Friday. Hell, if I didn't need to fake sick next Friday, I wouldn't come in at all this Friday.
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A comparison of loud stadiums doesn't really mean squat when the team that plays in that stadium sucks.

Whether or not the game should have been close against Arkansas last year, it was. We can make the point that we won a close game in a very tough road stadium. I was at that game and it may not stack up to 100+ thousand Ohio State fans but it was absolutely nuts. We are still their main rival and had not played them in their place in over a decade. They have a stadium conducive to noise and there were 80+ thousand drunk, pissed hillbillies that wanted blood.
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gregorylee said:
They are all right about 6', Ginn a little taller 6'1" and Holmes a little shorter 5'11", I believe Gonzo is right in the middle. Hall is 6'3" I don't thinkk we have anyone this year that is exceptionally tall (Mike Jenkins was 6'5", but alas he is catching passes from Vick now).

Hornfan ---- Lyons is 6'4" but doesn't start & Dukes...he's just a mere 5'10" or so. But no one Jenkins-ish as GL says. Our WR corps is known for their hands and speed (mostly speed) not so much size right now. Regardless, I hope your CBs are up to a great challenge! :)
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Chalumpa said:
Whether or not the game should have been close against Arkansas last year, it was. We can make the point that we won a close game in a very tough road stadium. I was at that game and it may not stack up to 100+ thousand Ohio State fans but it was absolutely nuts. We are still their main rival and had not played them in their place in over a decade. They have a stadium conducive to noise and there were 80+ thousand drunk, pissed hillbillies that wanted blood.
And they still suck. Noise can make the score close if the team sucks, but noise + talent is going to be hard to overcome.
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BB73 said:
I remember posting a comment on this play during the game. I was happy that Zwick found a receiver for a short gain on 1st down when scrambling under pressure. Then I saw just how wide open Holmes was on a replay. But I can't fault Zwick for getting a short gain that play - when a QB is on the run he can't see everything - and from field level it's much more difficult to see just how far behind the defender Holmes was.

also, it would have been a throw across his body when there were defenders both short and behind holmes. thats a dangerous pass, i don't care who the qb is. if you have a short yardage outlet... you take it in that situaiton. better to take the easy 5 yards and deal with a short yardage 2nd or 3rd down than sending your d back out on the field.
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I'm hoping so as well. Griffin seems to slack off on plays on occassion and has drove me crazy the past 2 years, hopefully he'll step up and make me a believer this game. I had to work during our La-Laff game and watched it on tape when i got home, but still didn't get to see it in person and such...I'm really looking forward to actually getting to see this game in person. The rose bowl was crazy nerve racking and this game will probably feel the same way. i'm going to be "that guy" and say that although i have great respect for the defenses of both teams, i honestly am going to call a "surprise" shootout. I wont be shocked to see the game in the high 20's mid 30's
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No offense, and i'm not trying to start an argument, but Wisconsin came in to your stadium last year and beat you 24-13. Obviously it can be done....i understand the circumstances are different and such, but anyone can lose at home anyday.
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Longhorn Sam said:
It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!

You clearly must have forgot about our 3 pre-season AA's, legitimate Heisman candidate & potential 6 1st round draft choices playing right now (not including young depth) in Hawk, Holmes, Carp, Ginn, Salley & Youboty (who played like a 1st rounder last week). I respect a lot of the Texas fans who post on here, but you Longhorn Sam are a senseless idiot.
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Hornfan2004 said:
No offense, and i'm not trying to start an argument, but Wisconsin came in to your stadium last year and beat you 24-13. Obviously it can be done....i understand the circumstances are different and such, but anyone can lose at home anyday.

True, and Wiscy has had our # as of late (I hate those cheesehead fuckers). That was a day game in an early part of last year when we weren't doing so well. This however is a night game, with a team that has seamingly gelled. Not to mention the most hyped regular season game since the ND series a decade ago. If you are attending, you will be impressed. I will promise you that! The atmosphere will be second to none you have ever experienced solely for a football game.
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Cornerback6 said:
You clearly must have forgot about our 3 pre-season AA's, legitimate Heisman candidate & potential 6 1st round draft choices playing right now (not including young depth) in Hawk, Holmes, Carp, Ginn, Salley & Youboty (who played like a 1st rounder last week). I respect a lot of the Texas fans who post on here, but you Longhorn Sam are a senseless idiot.

He has also been banned, so he is probably not even around to appreciate your kind words :(

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