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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Hope Floats for Buckeyes

It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!
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Longhorn Sam said:
It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!

LOL, our only hope he says. Thats just comical.
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Longhorn Sam said:
If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!

Please, this has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard...like we don't have talent or something. Try and back up your comments with facts and don't make stupid posts like this on the opponent's messageboard
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Longhorn Sam said:
It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We hear the same sit from every big team. "We're so loaded with talent". "No one can beat us unless all our starters get hurt". Yada-fucking-yada. So, we have to hope and pray that Texas totaly falls apart for us to even have a chance at winning a squeaker. Get the fuck outta here
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Longhorn Sam said:
It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!

Damn, I am all depressed after reading this post. All along I thought there was some talent on the Buckeye side of the field. Oh well, I suppose the Buckeyes will at least try and keepup with all this Texas talent.
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Hey Jaxbuck

Hey Jaxbuck, can I see the rest of that picture?

You want facts? Here are a few: Vincent Young, Selvin Young, Raymonce Taylor, Jamaal Charles, ___ Melton, Davis Thomas, our much improved group of receivers, our entire o line, Wright, Harris, Chizuk, our solid secondary and our entire defensive line. Oh yeah, and did I mention Vincent Young. Let me hear you say it... VIIIINCENT, VIIIINCENT, VIIIINCENT!
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>Texas carries road swagger into Ohio State</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER height="1" type="block" width="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>By JIM VERTUNO, AP Sports Writer
September 5, 2005
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- They've won the Rose Bowl. They've won tough games at Arkansas and Texas A&M. They've played before crowds so loud they couldn't hear themselves talk.

Now the No. 2 Texas Longhorns head to Ohio State for a Saturday night matchup with the No. 6 Buckeyes, who bring a crowd in excess of 100,000 every week. Ohio State has never lost a night game in Columbus and hasn't lost at home outside the Big 10 since 1990.
``I love it,'' Texas quarterback Vince Young. ``We could go down there and make history.''

Texas (1-0) has won 21 of its last 22 games on an opponent's home field. That five-game losing streak to Oklahoma? That series is played in Dallas in the Cotton Bowl, where the fans are split along the 50-yard line. Walking into an opponents' backyard has been a different story.

``We've played well on the road,'' Young said. ``Everybody accepts the challenge.''

The Longhorns have been pointing to this game since they walked off the field after beating Michigan 38-37 in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1.

``We knew it was going to be hyped. All the players and coaches got ready during the summer,'' cornerback Cedric Griffin said. ``We're ready to go.''

For all the knocks coach Mack Brown has taken for the losses in Dallas, he's had a good track record of beating teams on their home turf.

In 1998, his first season with Texas, the Longhorns snapped Nebraska's 47-game home winning streak. The Cornhuskers then ran off 26 straight wins in Lincoln until the Longhorns ended the streak again in 2002. Brown won his last two trips to Texas A&M's Kyle Field and last year got out of Fayetteville, Ark., with a win in front of a rabid Razorbacks crowd.

This time, the Longhorns head to a state with a football tradition as rich as their own. Both schools have played the game more than 100 years, their programs two of the biggest heavyweights.

``Most of the guys who come here like the big crowds,'' Brown said. ``They like the big stage. They like people yelling at them. Everybody we've talked to says you can't hear at all.''

The winner gets the early nod as one of the favorites for the national title. The loser can still get back into the chase if it wins the Big Ten or Big 12 title, but that won't be easy.
``Whoever loses this game,'' safety Michael Huff said, ``will have a huge challenge.''
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Longhorn Sam said:
Hey Jaxbuck, can I see the rest of that picture?

You want facts? Here are a few: Vincent Young, Selvin Young, Raymonce Taylor, Jamaal Charles, ___ Melton, Davis Thomas, our much improved group of receivers, our entire o line, Wright, Harris, Chizuk, our solid secondary and our entire defensive line. Oh yeah, and did I mention Vincent Young. Let me hear you say it... VIIIINCENT, VIIIINCENT, VIIIINCENT!

Longhorn Sam, you better be a Buckeye in disguise, or you are the lamest piece of shit to come out of Texas in awhile
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Longhorn Sam, you are now doing nothing but trolling...you'd better turn it down a notch and bring actual conversation, lest you join some of your recent brethren in the nexus of banishment.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Longhorn Sam, you are now doing nothing but trolling...you'd better turn it down a notch and bring actual conversation, lest you join some of your recent brethren in the nexus of banishment.

3 posts...3 flames. Even the Texas fans are ashamed of this idiot.

Play it again Sam...on another site.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Longhorn Sam, you are now doing nothing but trolling...you'd better turn it down a notch and bring actual conversation, lest you join some of your recent brethren in the nexus of banishment.

my guess is that he is one in the same as one of those whose names will not be stated. if he is a true fan of Texas, please accept my apologies, as with having such a populous state, leads its way to having your fair share of jackasses as well. its great to talk smack, then mispell your DC's last name.
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Longhorn Sam said:
It's been a long, long time since Texas been loaded from top to bottom with so much talent. However they have a few weaknesses. No back up QB, no field goal kicker and a gimpy Selvin Young. The Buckeyes only real hope is that VY gets hurt early, that Selvin Young can't contribute and/or that Texas misses all their field goals and extra points. If the Longhorn's talent gets a chance to shine and hangs on to the football, it is gonna be ugly for the home team!
Don't forget 'Texas getting lost on their way to the Shoe' as one of our few hopes.
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osugrad21 said:
IIRC, JZ was rolling and that caused the safety to sag away from Holmes. The throw would have been across the field and a dangerous INT throw.

I could be wrong, but I believe he took the safe play.

Partner, I rarely ever disagree with you, but Holmes had no one with 8 yards of him and was rolling in sync to the left with Zwick. I'll try and make a clip of the play tonight. It would've had to have been an absolutely horrendous throw for any of the DBs to get to it...Tones was that open.

Fortunately it didn't matter, and Zwick made good decisions nearly every play.
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