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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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centralbucksfan said:
...But him missing Holmes, while under pressure....was no big deal. #1, when under pressure, its not easy to see the whole field, thus he probably didn't see him. #2. He ended up completing the pass, making a good decision...

Holmes was almost directly downfield from Zwick. QBs have to see the field, even while on the run. My point is JZ needs to see the field better when out of the pocket. He did a real great job of going through his progressions while in the pocket, even under pressure. He just needs to do the same while on the run...granted he doesn't have the same amount of time and it's tougher throw on the run, but in this case Holmes was so wide open that Zwick should've saw him...
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Things I saw on Saturday - there are things both quarterbacks could do to improve their games.

Justin could have won by either 4 or 7 more points, depending on your point of view. He could have thrown one less interception. HE ONLY WON THE GAME!!!

Troy could have played... maybe not take any money from boosters, maybe have made better decisions, maybe make better decisions in the future, maybe think about the team instead of himself....

If there is a quarterback controversy, we all know which quarterback caused it.

Just what I saw on Saturday. Seems like I watched a different game than some of you.
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I think it's natural to critique our players regardless of wins or losses. It's part of becoming a Buckeye. It's not like we don't support Zwick, because we all do (especially in game situations), but at the same time we should always wish for them to improve as well. There will ALWAYS be games where that one wrinkle or that one missed receiver will count so it's normal to want improvement from our players, QBs, coaches you name it. I wish he would have hit Holmes too, but we played Miami and won handily nonetheless. Now this Saturday, it might be a different story.

Good luck to both QBs & of course I will cheer for both.
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gregorylee said:
Nice to see a Hokie on the planet, hope you stick around, and I hope you are right. I have a very quiet confidence leading into this game, but it won't be me making the tackles or scoring the touchdowns.

I would tend to agree with most of your thoughts though, VY tends to security blanket his TE's and doesn't throw a good deep ball. We will see on Sat night.

Thanks man. I will come and go quite a bit. Post here and there.

Last week, I thought about the game. I looked at both teams. Seeing Texas ranked so high and OSU with so much talent coming back, offensively and defensively. It just seemed like a mismatch. I don't see a whole lot on Texas' side to make think they can win against you guys. They may have had more talent than I thought going into the season though. But in this game, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it. Hope I didn't jinx you guys.

But yeah, try and take away those seam routes or those short routes to the TEs. Young may even force it in there. He also has that side arm release on short passes/intermediate passes, which your great LBs could take advantage of. And see I think Young has an arm and can throw the deep ball sometimes, just not as accurate or with much success as he should be able to be. Because he has the arm to. Even when Roy Williams was there, they scaled the offense down and went deep sometimes. Now, his WRs are not very good or even close to what he had when he wasn't the player he is now.

And yes, we shall see.
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dissonance said:
Thanks man. I will come and go quite a bit. Post here and there.

Last week, I thought about the game. I looked at both teams. Seeing Texas ranked so high and OSU with so much talent coming back, offensively and defensively. It just seemed like a mismatch. I don't see a whole lot on Texas' side to make think they can win against you guys. They may have had more talent than I thought going into the season though. But in this game, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it. Hope I didn't jinx you guys.

But yeah, try and take away those seam routes or those short routes to the TEs. Young may even force it in there. He also has that side arm release on short passes/intermediate passes, which your great LBs could take advantage of. And see I think Young has an arm and can throw the deep ball sometimes, just not as accurate or with much success as he should be able to be. Because he has the arm to. Even when Roy Williams was there, they scaled the offense down and went deep sometimes. Now, his WRs are not very good or even close to what he had when he wasn't the player he is now.

And yes, we shall see.

I feel like I posted this before, but Vince looked better this last game across the deep middle. One play in particular, he threw a forty yard strike while he was running forward. Looked good. His deep outs look very pickable. Looked bad.

His one pick, the DB made a pretty good play, and was on the WR pretty tight. (That DB for ULLA actually played pretty well. He really looked like he didn't care who he was playing, no intimidation factor. He wasn't as good as the DBs you have or we have or anything, I am just trying to give one of the Rajin Cajuns props because it sucks being in that position.)
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Simply put, defense wins championships. If our D can play up to their potential, the 'horns will find it very difficult to put points on the board. Now, can Tressel and Heacock motivate this squad to get the job done in arguably the biggest non-conference game for the Bucks since ND in the 90s? My vcash is on Tressel every day of the week, and twice on Saturday :biggrin:

Texas 13
Ohio State 24
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Close game?

So, regardless of the victor, what are the thoughts on this being a close game or a 10-15 point difference? And I guess this goes along the same lines as whether Tressel decides to play possession ball. Especially with our advantage on special teams and defense. With a team like Texas, what are your thoughts on coming out quick and fast, throwing the ball down the field for a possible early lead or grinding the game out with the running game?
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i fully respect the longhorns, but i think osu wins by 10, tressel will do what it takes to win, he knows what hes doing. i personally hope that we come out and maybe in the first couple of serious try a couple deep throws, if the crowd really gets into the game then the longhorns will have alot more problems then they already would have.
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texasfight06 said:
what should my expectations be as far as view from the middle of the field in the B Deck, first few rows in? Look out for obstructions?

Yup, There will probably be a post in front of you somewhere. You will find yourself leaning to the left and right a bit to see around it. Bonus is that there will be tv's above you, mounted right under "C" deck to watch replays and action you might miss because of the pole.
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I believe whichever team handles the pressure of this huge game the best & plays the cleanest game pulls out the win. I'm sure both are confident but one will undoubtedly make more careless mistakes & lose. Very even teams across the board talentwise...will be a very fun game to watch.
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scarletngrey77 said:
keep in mind that last week he didnt come even close to showing everything, with all the speed and talent you can expect some really good surprises in the playbook/gameplan this week.

its truly sad, but Mack always says that he keeps things vanilla and waits to show thing for the OU game, and then he never does. Maybe he will bring out some suprises of his own, but it would be uncharacteristic. I imagine that your ST will be more than ready for a fake FG this week considering the horrible display of extra pointery that we displayed.

but the only reason why I could see Mack using some trickification is because it is nonconference? At least I am hoping that maybe he takes this game a little differently than say 0U
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