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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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martinss01 said:
also, it would have been a throw across his body when there were defenders both short and behind holmes. thats a dangerous pass, i don't care who the qb is. if you have a short yardage outlet... you take it in that situaiton. better to take the easy 5 yards and deal with a short yardage 2nd or 3rd down than sending your d back out on the field.

I've gotta look at the game again. I didn't think there was anybody behind Holmes.
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I keep going back and forth from being confident to worried. But there's no doubt that I'm excited and I cannot wait to be in A Deck for kickoff. It's gonna be absolutely unreal.

I think Vince Young will get his yards and he'll get his points. There's not much you can do to stop him without leaving someone uncovered in the secondary. But I do take a lot of comfort in knowing we have the best linebackers in the nation, keeping an eye on things and hopefully containing the chaos. We need to create some turnovers and capitalize, hoping to see a big game out of Youboty.

On the offensive side, keep spreading the ball and mix things up. Dont be afraid to go to Ginn even if he's getting bottled up, he only needs one gap to make it 6 points. If Smith's in (which I think he will be), he can have much of the same effects as Vince Young. He's got good mobility and with the defense spread, should be able to run for some first down himself. The running game needs to build off last week's performance to keep a balance and we'll be ok as long as we dont turn the ball over.

This is gonna be one for the ages and I hope its one us Buckeyes fans can be proud of. My thoughts....Ohio State 27 Texas 20.
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Vince Young......

is overrated, you guys are correct. Vince Young is a runner first, passer third. Shut down the run, force Young to throw and the Buck's D will get 2 - 3 turnovers with ease. A good example is when NFL teams shadow Michael Vick, he is forced to throw and loses ball games, same situation here. I would, however, bring in a 5th DB to shadow VY. The Buck's LB's are fast, but not as fast as a DB is.

I think Ginn will also be a big part of the outcome. Couple TD's on his part. I will be in Vegas betting on the game and sporting my Ginn T! www.gotginn.com

Go Bucks!
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he really squares his shoulders and delivers a hit almost every play, it looks like hes the one tackling, not the one being tackled with the punishment he delivered last saturday. hes not big for a back but hes not slow either, hes more on speed if anything else.
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scarletngrey77 said:
if you look at the game film closely, you will see that zwick actually threw the ball 5 inches to the left of one of his recievers, what a horrible pass, what was he thinking? you guys are funny, it was one freaking pass.

77, we're talking about a decision he made during a scramble to his left, when he completed a short ball.

We're not talking about his accuracy, or the play that ended in the interception in the end zone.

But if you find the discussion humorous, at least we've accomplished something.
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Considering the kicking game from both sides last week, I tend to think we'll fare better in a close game. Is Richmond McGee going to do the place kicking on Saturday for Texas? If it comes down to a close game where those points are needed, or a last minute field goal, from what I saw, I think that gives tOSU quite the advantage. Despite no Nuuuuge.

As far as Ginn goes, he can open the game wide open. But perhaps I'm being cynical when I worry that one of his large gainer attempts lose us yards on a critical drive. What do you guys think?
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ncBUCKEYE25 said:
Considering the kicking game from both sides last week, I tend to think we'll fare better in a close game. Is Richmond McGee going to do the place kicking on Saturday for Texas? If it comes down to a close game where those points are needed, or a last minute field goal, from what I saw, I think that gives tOSU quite the advantage. Despite no Nuuuuge.

As far as Ginn goes, he can open the game wide open. But perhaps I'm being cynical when I worry that one of his large gainer attempts lose us yards on a critical drive. What do you guys think?

I think thats a good assumption, and that our kicking has the edge. DOn't worry though, Ginn won't mess up in the clutch. We're fine
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