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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Hey look, I take losses like a direct kick in the nuts. My stomach is knotted up, and I'm frustrated as hell.

But this isn't like losing to some unworthy team.

This was, for anyone NOT personally vested in the outcome, an epic, exciting, entertaining game. Both Texas and our Buckeyes showed that we're for real in this game. Both exposed problems that will have to be addressed by next week -- but this game will have made both of us better.

Our LBs had an *amazing* game. Like I said earlier, as hyped as they are, they STILL manage to exceed even our expectations.

We didn't lose this because of a single horribly timed fumble. We didn't lose this because JT switched the QBs out. Did the fumble factor in, lol, hells yeah. But we lost because we stalled out in the redzone time after time, after time. And we did that with BOTH quarterbacks.

This was #2 in the nation against #4 in the nation. This IS NOT NCAA 2006, where you can rack up 600 yards and beat everyone by 80 points if you're so inclined.

Texas played a HELL of a game, and they flat out won. Thing is, it's obvious the game could have gone either way, and even as the team that didn't win, we will have earned a lot of respect for what we did tonight.

We are not out of the national title picture. It's an unlikely uphill climb, but so what? Still going to be fun to watch this team try, and unlike some of their fans, they're in it for the long haul. There's a lot of football left to play, and if you choose not to enjoy it because of a single game that came down to the wire -- I just don't know why you bother watching at all.
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alright everyone, im sorry for my ignorant posts. my anger/sadness have just taken over, texas did play a good game so they did deserve the W.

im out for the night so ill be easier to deal with tomorrow.

Ok much better.........Greenies :biggrin:

Now, the rest of you negative people need to chill. We got beat by a good team. We shouldnt have lost. It isnt Texas' fault. It isnt Bucknutty's fault. Calm down, take a deep breath. Hooooosaaaaa.
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Now now, people

Just calm down everybody - it's not the end of the season for you, with top 10 teams dropping like flies - last week it was Oklahoma, today it was Iowa getting punked by ISU (oh crap).

I'm a Husker (born, raised in Omaha), and I'll call this one right now - Mack Brown won't beat Oklahoma. Even though he got past you guys today (only because of dropped passes on OSU's part), for some odd reason, Bob Stoops has the magic wand for Mack Brown's ass. Can't explain it, it happens every year.

Teddy Ginn not getting his hands on the ball was also key for OSU - that dude is scary good.

Playing musical QBs doesn't help either.
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There is enough blame to go around.

Before we go and crucify Zwick (disclaimer: I prefer Smith as the starter), there is plenty of blame to go around. It is a heart breaking loss no doubt, and Zwicks fumble certainly closed the door. But you can't go up against a team like texas only scoring 1 td. I was probably just as guilty as most of you of smelling a national championship a little too soon. The difference between this team and the 2002 team is cohesion. We don't have the leader we had in Krenzel. We have alot of tools but they aren't meshing together on offense yet. This is a failure of the coaching staff and the entire offense. The offensive stats are extremely disappointing and tells me Tressel needs to re-examine what he is doing with his offense. Personally, I think the answer is to pick a QB who can lead this offense and build around him. And to me Zwick is not the answer. This is Tressels failure and I hope they solve it soon. On the upside, I am very proud of our linebacker core as always. Hawk and Carpenter have more guts and heart then anyone on that entire field tonight. They are the only reason this game was even close.
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Holmes is one of the best WRs in the country.
Pittman is for real. That guys going to have a 1000 yards season.
All 3 Linebackers are going first day into the NFL.
They adjusted and shut down Texas after Texas went up 10 points.
Houston is solid.
Punting is as good as ever.
The Lines did better than anyone thought they would.
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Great game and congrats to Texas.

I only have two negative things to say.

1. It took way too long for our schools to meet. I hope is not that long again after next year's game.

2. I sure hope big teams continue to schedule big non-conference games after the addition of a 12th game. Fans should not have to wait until October for the real season to begin.
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i was most impressed with our d and o-line, Pittman had to have over 5 yards a carry and our d-line really shut down the run for the most part.

ill be rooting for vince young for the rest of the year, hes a gamer, he got hit probably 30 times tonight.
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Hey - if any of the "Fire Tressel" or "Screw Zwick" people would be so kind as to PM me to tell me when and where I can pick up your tickets for the rest of the season, that would be great. You obviously don't need them, and quite frankly, we don't want ya around.
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One big positive

We are CLEARLY the best team in the B10 heading into conference play.

The B10 might not be as dominant as we thought and our NC hopes just took a serious shot in the ass but all we can do is go make SDSU pay for it and win the damn B10.
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There is enough blame to go around.

Before we go and crucify Zwick (disclaimer: I prefer Smith as the starter), there is plenty of blame to go around. It is a heart breaking loss no doubt, and Zwicks fumble certainly closed the door. But you can't go up against a team like texas only scoring 1 td. I was probably just as guilty as most of you of smelling a national championship a little too soon. The difference between this team and the 2002 team is cohesion. We don't have the leader we had in Krenzel. We have alot of tools but they aren't meshing together on offense yet. This is a failure of the coaching staff and the entire offense.

The offensive stats are extremely disappointing and tells me Tressel needs to re-examine what he is doing with his offense. Personally, I think the answer is to pick a QB who can lead this offense and build around him. And to me Zwick is not the answer. This is Tressels failure and I hope they solve it soon.
</p><p>On the upside, I am very proud of our linebacker core as always. Hawk and Carpenter have more guts and heart then anyone on that entire field tonight. They are the only reason this game was even close.</p>
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