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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Great game. I will say now I don't like switching quarterbacks. We killed ourselves with penalties. And why did't we test them deep a coupel times. We have too much damn talent. Buckle down bucks and run the rest of the table.
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Ohio State rocks!

From a life long Horn fan:

That was a great game.

I was so impressed with your team speed, special teams, LINEBACKERS; everything, really!

You probably feel like you were robbed. I felt like Texas played a great game, had terrible kickoff coverage, somehow managed to find a fieldgoal kicker in one week, overcame 3 turnovers, and managed to keep a great team out of the endzone on multiple occasions to keep Texas in the game.

I expect nothing less than another great game next year.

I was really impressed with your fans and your stadium, you band, and the atmosphere as a whole. Someone had to lose.

Ya'll did win the MNC two years ago; I believe it is our time.

It's hard to mess with destiny.

Good luck and we'll see you guys next year!
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bchorn said:
Thanks. You're linebackers definitely lived up to their billing. I hope you guys don't drop much in the polls. Losing a tough game like this to top 5 opponent should be definitely be taken into consideration by the pollsters.

i'll tell you one thing right now, if a team like say USC loses they might drop to #8, if OSU loses on the other hand we will drop out of the top 10 maybe even the top 15, the pollsters hate tOSU and always will, i see us next week ranked #13 after this game
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He is flat out a classy kid. Not only did he have to live in the shadow of the greatest kicker in college football history but also always had to be classified as John Cooper's boy while Nuge was Tressel's

This game was lost to me by our inability to keep and get the ball in our playmakers hands. Smith, Ginn, Holmes, Hall, Gonzo, etc
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What the F people...I think we blew it, but they DEFINITELY didn't play bad enough or give little enough effort to turn on the team...they busted their asses...that's all we can ask for.
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BurntOrange said:
As a 'horns fan, I think we would take any kind of win...but nothing would be better than leaving Ohio Stadium with a last second win so when we sing "The Eyes of Texas" there will still be 100,000 quiet fans in the stands. I'd remember and cherish that forever.

Can't believe it came true...in any case, was very impressed with your linebackers, ginn and holmes. Hope next years game is just as good. Also, great forum...you all have great fans and this forum is awesome. will definitely keep posting.
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