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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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It makes absolutely perfect sense. Look at the entire game. Zwick was the better passer tonight, and he didn't commit boneheaded errors like Smith did.

Look at that fumble - yeah, it sure did suck - but Zwick did everything right. It was a FORCED ERROR. It's a shame and it sucks for us, but that's life.

Blaming Tressel for this is just as stupid for blaming Grady Little for not pulling Pedro. People are gonna do it anyway though.

If anything, blame the WRs for not getting open, and credit the Texas secondary for playing OUT OF THEIR MINDS tonight. If Zwick had a viable option to throw to on that play, he puts it on the money and they move the chains.

What's to say that Smith wouldn't have come in there and thrown it right into the arms of a Texas defender (like he did a handful of other times during the game?)

EDIT: I understand trying to keep things clean around here but are we gonna tack all the post-game discussion on this thread too? There are about fifteen different conversations going on in here right now.
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I wouldn't quite go so far as to say Tressel got out-coached, but rather the Texas defense outplayed our offense. Then again, I wonder why we threw only one pass over 15 yards the entire game.
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Its not like UT's defense didn't have something to do with our lack of redzone offense.

Their D was better than our O and it was the difference(slight as it was) in the game.
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Keep your heads up

Although I was rooting for Texas (they're in the Big 12), I thought that your line backers would give Vince Young fits. They did, but DAMN! I didn't think that Young would throw for over 240 yards! He was even hurt a couple of times.

The biggest play wasn't the fumble by Zwick, so I wouldn't blame him. The biggest play I saw was the double dropped pass in the endzone that the Tesas safety made a good hit on. THAT was probably the one that lost you guys the game.

I gotta tip my hat to both teams. That was one hell of a game, and I enjoyed watching it.
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buckeyebri said:
I thought it was classless.... Were you really afraid we would score on the turnover of downs......

if they score... texas goes up by 8... with a FG they go up by 4... why not go for the TD.... Either way OSU had top score a TD.... I have no problem with Texas going for the TD.
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This day started off bad with a funeral of a close family friend. Tonites game was to be the "saving grace." The "two-headed QB shit is a joke. This team is supposed to be a NC contender and can't figure who their leader is. After Hamby dropped 2 TD passes on one play, I looked at the MRS. and said "Happy Anniversary" (11 years) and also told her we would lose this game. You can't play a team the caliber of Texas and piss away opps like they did today.

Good luck to TOSU the rest of the way, and YOU guys enjoy talking to each other about them. I'm old, I'm tired, And I spend WAY too much time worrying about this football team when I should be worrying about things that really matter in life.

It's been fun here, but I'm officially logging off. I'm sure C-Dog can find someone else to fill in the "quiz" section. I was really close to adding one, but I really don't give a shit right now. Later.

"GO BUCKS IN 06" Peace. Dubs.
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Thanks. You're linebackers definitely lived up to their billing. I hope you guys don't drop much in the polls. Losing a tough game like this to top 5 opponent should be definitely be taken into consideration by the pollsters.
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O'Rourke said:
I'm almost too drunk to see, I'm sick to my stomach but I gotta admit we got out played tonight. Young sacked up and took it down the field late, and our two headed quarterback system couldn't get it done late. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.... No excuses, see you in Austin next year.

You sons of bitches better run the table after this one.:(

Not outplayed. We could not convert in the second half. Dropped TD, fumbles. Shit...we should have won.

Edit. Congrats to Tehas. Great team.
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Misanthrope said:
Get over your hard on for me, "BN".

Unlike you, I send THOUSANDS of dollars to OSU even when they don't send me football tickets, so don't even try to question my loyalty. How about it, wiseass? What do YOU give to the school? I'll be a Buckeye my whole life, and I'll put my money where my mouth is, and I don't mean just buying football tickets. How about YOU? What do YOU do for the school?

Do you contribute? I doubt it. You sit here on some POS message board, and preach to guys like me. Go fuck yourself, fucking Buckeye wannabe.

**goes and gets another drink to see where this goes**
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