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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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pittman came in the next drive after he got hurt, then he tried staying in and ended up back on the sideline, thats the last i saw of him.

young has improved his passing, he had a solid but not great game, with two picks and his running pretty much stopped after his first couple of drives.
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Well said!! This Bucks team needs to go in and work on its ability to put a team away and these coaches need to be up all night working on getting the ball to Ginn, Holmes, etc. IF they are going to go with 2 QB's then there needs to be some boundaries set. The way they shuffled Qb's in this game really affected the flow of the game.
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I wholeheartedly agree with everything said here thus far. What an outstanding game. Obviously, I wish we had won, but there certainly isn't anything I can do about it now. Here's looking to a rematch in the Rose Bowl. Go Bucks and hook 'em Horns.

p.s. Beat the damn land thieves by at least forty, and if you get a shot at the condoms, show them how REAL football is played. :tongue2:
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alexhortdog95 said:
I'm not flaming or anything - I'm not a Texas or an OSU fan. I'm a Nebraska Fan with plenty to worry about (offense scored 14 points in 2 weeks).

I'm asking an honest question - Does anyone here think that Young has catapulted himself above everyone else in the heisman balloting? Who else would you name right now as a candidate?

In that case my apologies. Yes, I think he is, though I think Leinert will be the media's darling this year.
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alexhortdog95 said:
I'm asking an honest question - Does anyone here think that Young has catapulted himself above everyone else in the heisman balloting?

Anyone who doesn't think Young is the best overall player in the country right now is on some really bad crack...
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alexhortdog95- Does anyone here think that Young has catapulted himself above everyone else in the heisman balloting? Who else would you name right now as a candidate?[/QUOTE said:
Up there but not above everyone else.

Leinart hasn't done a thing to let Vince pass him up.
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