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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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SWOhioBuckeye said:
Personally I don't care how it's recieved. I've been objectively posting over there only to have the uber homers come out and trump my factual information with "Vince Young can outrun an F16!"


Not to call you out or anything, but what the hell do you expect? It's a Texas fan site, for crying out loud....anything you say that is in any way negative will earn retaliation. And if the above is an example of your "objective posting", then it's no wonder.
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Hmm everything i see points to it being in HD. Keep in mind that, even though it might not be listed as HD, doesnt mean it wont be. Cryami - FSU wasnt listed as HD either, but it was in high def when the game came on.

I will be seriously pissed if it's not, but I have a feeling it's gonna be in HD.
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AJHawkfan said:
Pretty good article. Seemed to give us a lot of respect and kind of made it sound like if Texas goes in and plans to out-power us, they will lose.

He's right.

how else do we have a shot at winning? Clearly we are not a finess team and I have a hard time seeing any team in the country taking the corners from you, so why not try to power this thing. We have a huge and experienced offenesive line and two powerfull running backs and a running qb. We may still lose the game but the power attack is our best shot at a win and we should take it.
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High Lonesome said:
how else do we have a shot at winning? Clearly we are not a finess team and I have a hard time seeing any team in the country taking the corners from you, so why not try to power this thing. We have a huge and experienced offenesive line and two powerfull running backs and a running qb. We may still lose the game but the power attack is our best shot at a win and we should take it.

Not so sure about this....I see your point, and definitely think you should attack from the inside out, but I really don't see a pure power attack having much of a chance. You O-line is definitely your greatest strength, but I think the match-ups to watch for are the RB vs. LB on blocks. If Texas can't keep our LB's from making plays, it's gonna be a long day, and a true power attack plays into those LB's hands.
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I think you're right HL, but our D is good enough that you can't be one-dimensional for the whole game and win....VY is going to have to be effective through the air 15 or 20 times too...can't wait for the 28 hours or so to see if he can be.
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KillerNut said:
The Refs fault. They suck!

We're almost certain to hear that either the Refs or the Replay Officials are to be blamed for something...someone in another thread said the Refs would be Big 12, and the Replay official Big 10...if anything bad for Texas doesn't get overturned, it'll surely be because of a Big 10 conspiracy :biggrin:

29 hours to kickoff :biggrin:
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OK, I've been lurking at hornfans for the last couple days because I was told its the best site for UT fans. I finally snapped and had to partake in a thread.


I'm hoping people like EH and company can tell me that the board has just been over run with idiots and this isn't the norm. Simple summary: Vince Young is better than Michael Vick. Seriously.

Note: Don't go over there and flame or argue back at them, I'm just showing you the thread.
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