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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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wow, there sure is a lot of hatred towards musberger. He seems pretty solid (or at least neutral) when compared with his peers. I really enjoy Danielson over anyone else in the college game, he does a very good job giving insight into the game or pointing out things you weren't watching.

Some have realized that we escaped the torture of Jackson (who hasn't been good for years) and Fouts, or Corso and Tirico (Mike can be ok, but he goes on rants)
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We can get Okie Lite vs Northest Central Florida Atlantic Internaltional State Tech in HD on Thursday night, but we can't get No. 4 freakin' Ohio St vs No. 2 freakin' Texas! Great job ABC.......I feel bad for all of our fans who can't make the trip to Columbus. Gotta go, my plane leaves in 2 hour.....see ya'll at the Shoe!

Hook 'em!
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good luck getting there, of all times to follow the 'get there 1-2 hours early' rule for plane trips, I think this would have been a good one.

HD is such a joke. They jam it down our throats by cropping off important elements during some shows occasionally (ie Conan, SNL, news)... yet don't even provide THE premiere game that everyone will be watching this weekend.

Let me know when HD gets their act together.
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I guess you can dismiss CNNSI's analysis

Can't-miss matchup

Buckeyes, Longhorns set for epic non-conference tilt

Posted: Friday September 9, 2005 12:23PM; Updated: Friday September 9, 2005 1:54PM

<!--startclickprintexclude--><script language="JavaScript" src="http://i.a.cnn.net/si/.element/ssi/js/2.0/clickability/button2356_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script language="JavaScript"> window.onerror=function(){clickURL=document.location.href;return true;} if(!self.clickURL) clickURL=parent.location.href; </script>
<!--endclickprintexclude-->Early non-conference games don't get bigger than Texas-Ohio State. The two storied programs will meet for the first time in a showdown that feels like the equivalent of a BCS bowl game. The Longhorns and Buckeyes are mirror images, with game-breaking talents on offense, hard-hitting, aggressive defenses and outstanding special teams. So cancel all your plans Saturday night because this is a game you won't want to miss.
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<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="310"><tbody><tr><td width="10">http://i.cnn.net/si/images/1.gif</td><td class="cnnImgAdPad" width="300">http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2005/writers/bj_schecter/09/09/preview.two/t1_ginn_getty.jpg
Texas will see plenty of Ohio State playmaker Ted Ginn Jr. when the two teams meet Saturday night.
David Maxwell/Getty Images

</td></tr></tbody></table>Texas looked sharp in a season-opening 60-3 rout of Louisiana-Lafayette, racking up 591 yards of offense and breaking in a new stable of running backs. True freshman Jamaal Charles looked like the heir apparent to Cedric Benson after rushing for 135 yards and a touchdown. That was a good sign, but everything revolves around quarterback Vince Young, who will have to be on his game for Texas to beat Ohio State. He must be patient in the pocket and pick his spots. He also has to be careful about when to take off because the Buckeyes will be spying him all night. Young's top target is sure-handed tight end David Thomas, but in order for the passing game to be effective the Longhorns' inexperienced wide receivers must get open and make plays too. On defense, Texas' strength is its line so expect tackle Rodrique Wright & Co. to put steady pressure on the Buckeyes all night.
Traditionally, Ohio State's strength has been its defense and this year is no different. The Buckeyes love to blitz with a playmaking core of linebackers led by All-American A.J. Hawk. Expect Hawk or speedy strong-side linebacker Bobby Carpenter to follow Young wherever he goes. The secondary is solid with three-way threat Ted Ginn Jr. at one corner and hard-hitting safety Nate Salley in the middle. Junior quarterback Justin Zwick was efficient in a season-opening win over Miami (Ohio), but he has to be better for the Buckeyes to beat Texas. Zwick will likely start, but expect to see a lot of Troy Smith, who is back after serving a two-game NCAA suspension for accepting improper benefits from a booster. Smith won four of his five starts last year and shredded Michigan with 386 yards of total offense. Ginn, who lines up at receiver, running back and returns kicks, gives Ohio State a scoring threat every time he touches the ball. Expect the Buckeyes to give him plenty of opportunities.
Final Analysis

Ohio State has a clear advantage playing at home, where the Buckeyes have won 36 consecutive non-conference games at the Horseshoe. But Texas isn't an average opponent and is an outstanding road team. The Longhorns have won 21 of their last 22 road games and are 26-6 on the road under coach Mack Brown. Young is dangerous and if he's effective in the passing game Ohio State is in trouble. This is an awfully tough one to call, but I think this could be Texas' year and my crystal ball sees Young & Co. pulling it out in the end -- by a horn.

Not sure what they were thinking or looking at???
But, they did predict the Bucks to go to the NC.
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starBUCKS said:
I'll have my laptop that has the verizon wireless broadband card. And I also have the Espn gameplan through my computer, so I'll bring all games shown on Gameplan. As well, I have Sirrius.... which I can run through my computer, or car.

So how many are planning on watching the game at the tailgater? It would be cool if we were closer to the stadium to hear the roar after every play, tho.
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Not as patent of an error as this week's SI Magazine: Under a caption of Zwick it says: "He will probably have to give way when BROWN comes back from a 2 game suspension"

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