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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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The two people who will come up the biggest in tomorrow night's game: Roy Hall and Gonzo. Everybody and their mothers will be keying on Holmes and Ginn, and they'll be double-teamed, bump and runned, likely cheapshotted a time or two, but in the midst of all that, there will be a WR that is as big as a tight end going over the middle, and the forgotten man Tony Gonzalez will be streaking towards the endzone.

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crazybuckfan40 said:
I know Henry Melton is 270, but last week he was carrying high school players on his back. I don't think the bucks will trouble tackling him.
How is nothing different between college and high school is fans?? WTH is he talking about? Im pretty sure he didnt see any AJ Hawks, Ashton Youbotys and Kudlas all on the same field flying everywhere when he was in High school
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tsteele316 said:
did melton really say the difference between high school football and D1 college is the fans? He has a rude awakening in store if he thinks that is the case.

Well, he does have a rude awakening, but considering his only game so far has been against LaLa, he was still playing high school football.
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FKAGobucks877 said:
The two people who will come up the biggest in tomorrow night's game: Roy Hall and Gonzo. Everybody and their mothers will be keying on Holmes and Ginn, and they'll be double-teamed, bump and runned, likely cheapshotted a time or two, but in the midst of all that, there will be a WR that is as big as a tight end going over the middle, and the forgotten man Tony Gonzalez will be streaking towards the endzone.


Excuse me but my mother is happily married and won't be keying in on anyone...I resent that statement :wink2:
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the-ozone.net calling tomorrow T-Day ????

Did anyone see that the-ozone.net is calling tomorrow T-Day? The day that Texas invades Columbus ???? My history might be a little foggy but didn't the ones invading end up winning that war? They should have come up with something that fits.
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CriticalSteve said:
Did anyone see that the-ozone.net is calling tomorrow T-Day? The day that Texas invades Columbus ???? My history might be a little foggy but didn't the ones invading end up winning that war? They should have come up with something that fits.

Good call, what the hell were they thinking??? Someone needs to get fired over this
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Let's see. One guy has five national championship rings; the other, not one. If Longhorn fans really think their guy can out-gameplan our guy, more power to 'em. LLLoyd and LLLarry C. thought the same thing, but it didn't work out for them and I doubt it will work out for Mack.With nearly equal physical skills on both sides of the field; with JT coaching; with a team of disciplined young men committed to redeeming the good name of their school; with a group of exceptional Seniors who have tasted a National Championship before; with 105,000 screaming fans behind them ...I'll take the Buckeyes every time.Go Bucks.
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smith288 said:
How is nothing different between college and high school is fans?? WTH is he talking about? Im pretty sure he didnt see any AJ Hawks, Ashton Youbotys and Kudlas all on the same field flying everywhere when he was in High school

Nor did he see any of them in his opener.
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Golferdow01 said:
Unfortunately we're probably gonna get lots of requests for President Bush to take the heat for this blunder

You are correct. I spoke too quickly. He doesn't even care about OSU fans. He probably was playing his guitar when they decided to call it T-Day. :biggrin:

Sorry. Back to the game.
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