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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I posted this on Hornfans in response to one of the many Vince Young is God posts:

"Please, all we Ohio State fans hear is how we can't handle Texas speed blah blah blah, even your players think that. You'll see how slow Ohio State is tomorrow. Vince better bring his colostomy bag, because he's going to get the shit knocked out of him."
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Texas needs to hold him and Holmes up at the line. Be physical with them. Knock them off their routes. Drop a linebacker or a down lineman into coverage. Check out the Texas Tech game tape, Gene Chizik.
Chizik loves man to man, so I would expect this to happen. Not sure how the texas tech tape is going to help, I seriously doubt their depth at WR compares. Jackson was one of the best bump-n-hold (I mean run) cover guys in the game last year, and he got schooled all day long by Holmes. I have my doubts that a secondary that got torched by a partially depleted UM WR corps will do better than Jackson did on Holmes.
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SWOhioBuckeye said:
I posted this on Hornfans in response to one of the many Vince Young is God posts:

"Please, all we Ohio State fans hear is how we can't handle Texas speed blah blah blah, even your players think that. You'll see how slow Ohio State is tomorrow. Vince better bring his colostomy bag, because he's going to get the shit knocked out of him."
I'm sure it was well recieved and represented the fan base well. :roll2:

I think all of these posts about Texas should be going into the game thread.
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smitty03 said:
If there are 10k Texas fans, I expect only the 5k that had allotted tickets to try and make noise. The other 5k that bought student tickets on ebay will either be trying to defend themselves from tOSU fans, or will be hiding from them by the end of the 1st quarter. :tongue2:

Damn right Smitty. I'd say 2K will make noise......and the others will have their head in their hands by the 3rd quarter. :wink2:
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The mediocre nature of special teams under mack brown must be exactly why he can see his team struggle in the offseason and then miss an unthinkable 3 extra points (you really have to try to pull that off)... and then say that their special teams are fine. Many, many people think this will be a close game and having issues on special teams with kicking extra points, let alone long clutch field goals is not a way to beat OSU. Josh Huston is the latest in a long history of great specialists. We followed up an AA punter with a ray guy punter followed by a very good punter last year. Then we had some guy named nugent who won the groza award, who went to OSU (not really related, but still fun).

If you want to understand the difference between the two head coaches, watch the end of the 3rd quarter while OSU was blowing out Miami. They put in Carpenter, Hawk, Salley and other defensive stars on punt coverage. If I had to guess, they figured a dangerous returner like Robinson would provide excellent practice to defend against Ramonce. As for this concept that Texas will enjoy playing in the shoe, that is BS. I'm sure they will rally as a team to fight the hostile environment, but I'll believe it when I see WRs who struggle enough with catching balls handle that deafening environment. Same goes for the young WRs if Selvin is gimpy. Texas clearly will not roll over and play dead due to the crowd, but it will make a difference.

As for the battle in the trenches, I firmly believe that their DL will give us trouble, which is precisely why Smith has to be our starter. Zwick still has not proven he doesn't panic when under pressure (he was barely pressured in the last two games, and the one time things broke down he threw an awful pass that was intercepted). As for Tressel's quote, they will both play b/c Zwick will get some good PT in the 4th after we are leading by about three TDs :-p I don't buy the hype over the OL. I think they are great, and I think they are headed to the pros for lots of money. But if they are so good, then how was UM able to get into the backfield so often? Why were they unable to run the ball at all from the RB position? Maybe Benson was a little gimpy, but there simply was nowhere for him to run either way in that game.

I expect both DL's to win the trench battles. I do not expect a rushing attack from either team. Back to the UM game, Texas did a pretty good job shutting down the running attack, forcing UM to rely on the passing game. If UT has this great secondary, where was it in that game? Who cares if they started near midfield everytime, they still could have been held to a few field goals. Avant was not playing in that game, therefore they were a two good WR attack + TE. OSU should be able to feature at least that many weapons at wideout (Hall at TE will be a mismatch on passing downs), plus the versatility of Smith's running.

I think this is a 10 point game. I have no idea if it will be 17-7 or 34-24, but I don't think the DL and VY will be enough to overcome their youth at RB (I think Selvin sounds gimpy) and WR. They will hang with OSU until late in the 3rd, IMO.
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I don't get how any freshman in his first real game at the 'Shoe is going to get any benefit. If Meltons last game was 'like high school' he is not prepared. No freshman can be prepared for what this atmosphere is going to produce. A few good cracks from Carp and Hawk will educate him.

I see more fumbles and misreads from those guys than last week.:)
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I think a few people will be blameable for Tejas' Loss. here's the excuses I hear from the Tejas faithful.

10. I blame Notre Dame. Their 'return to prominence' has disrupted the college football equillibrium as we know it.

9. I blame Ebay. Ticket prices were too high for the Tejas fans to overtake our stadium.

8. I blame security at the stadium. The precautionary measures taken by the Redcoats to ensure safety affected Mack's pre-game plans.

7. I blame Bob Stoops. He eats puppies so Tejas had no choice but to save their strength and look ahead to that Collossal matchup.

6. In all reality, I blame the Big XII for being overrated and not preparing us for real competition (should of learned something from the OK/USC game).

5. I blame Tommy Tubberville; He showed me that it's not easy to get into the BCS undefeated, so why bother? We'll settle for our annual loss or two.

4. I blame 'The Land of the Bland' and those wet-legged saltines. The local denizens and environment dulled Tejas's mental clarity and left them totally unfocused and unexcited for the game.

3. I blame Greg Davis. Dagnabit, our athletes just can't perform in his system.

2. I blame Gene Chizik. I mean, what else can I do.. His game plan got blown out of the water.

1. I blame John Cooper (you thought I was going to say Mack brown, didn't you?) As the Archbishop of the church of "Can't Win the Big One" he indoctrinated Mack with his dogmatic views and forever left Brown one step short of being a Champion.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
I'm sure it was well recieved and represented the fan base well. :roll2:

I think all of these posts about Texas should be going into the game thread.

Personally I don't care how it's recieved. I've been objectively posting over there only to have the uber homers come out and trump my factual information with "Vince Young can outrun an F16!"

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In Vegas

So I was in Vegas last night taking the red-eye home from Phoneix (as I do on a weekly basis) and what do I run into and bar full of Buckeyefans!!! Anyway let me tell you that every person there was so stoked for this game, even the flight from Phoneix to Vegas old ladies saw my hat and talked about the big game. Non OSU fans were like Texas never shows up for the big games, etc... I am telling you what this game has to be in the top 3 of biggest games OSU has ever played. Anyway, if anyone from that bar looks at this board thanks for the Drinks, and see you tomorrow at the SHOE!!!

That place is going to be rocking...
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Other Texas fan excuses

V. Young thought Burnt Orange looked like scarlet
I didn't know that they allowed big ten LBs to Tackle after playing Michigan
Troy Smith was not highly recruited enough to count his contributions
Bevo wasn't there
We thought it was Oklahoma and Ohio both start with O that must be it.
Youngstown Coaches prepare too much

IF there is a need for a reason we lose.

It is going to be....................

The Refs fault. They suck!
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