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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
the power attack is our best shot at a win

I guess what I was saying is that is not how the article reads to me.

"pass on 1st down", "don't be afraid to try the trick play" and "get VY running early and often" do not sound like a gameplan of a team that thinks they can line it up and shove push it down the defense's throat.

If you are content handing the ball to your freshman FB and letting him barrel into the middle of the pile 2 out of every 3 plays, well, quite frankly, so am I.

I do know this, that is a recipe for a lot of 3rd and long plays, and that is a bad thing (for you).
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bchorn said:
Look...I never said that this game was going to be a blowout. In fact the whole point of my first post was that anyone saying this game is going to be a blowout is foolish.

No one thought Kansas State would blow out Oklahoma in the 2003 Big 12 title game. No one thought USC would blow out Oklahoma in the NC game. No one thought we'd blow out Michigan last year. Shit happens in big games...
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jwinslow said:
The mediocre nature of special teams under mack brown ...

If you want to understand the difference between the two head coaches, watch the end of the 3rd quarter while OSU was blowing out Miami. They put in Carpenter, Hawk, Salley and other defensive stars on punt coverage.

As for the battle in the trenches, I firmly believe that their DL will give us trouble, which is precisely why Smith has to be our starter.

I expect both DL's to win the trench battles.

I think this is a 10 point game.

While there always seems to be a bad game or one bad special teams unit, the special teams are better than you seem to think. We have been one of the top few teams at kicking blocks the last five years for example. We have plenty of starters on our special teams. Our gunners are our starting defensive backfield for example. We did play some 2nd teamers to walkons in our first game because we played virtually everyone who was eligible in the game.

I agree that our D-line will give OSU trouble, and Smith should give you a better chance. I disagree with your belief that your DL is better than our #1 rated OL. Your glasses appear too be a little too heavily tinted on this one.

I think it is a 10-17 point game, about what we have outscored you on average over the past few years.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
OK, I've been lurking at hornfans for the last couple days because I was told its the best site for UT fans. I finally snapped and had to partake in a thread.


I'm hoping people like EH and company can tell me that the board has just been over run with idiots and this isn't the norm. Simple summary: Vince Young is better than Michael Vick. Seriously.

Note: Don't go over there and flame or argue back at them, I'm just showing you the thread.
Well this does not surprise me I live DOWN here and one thing I know is the Texas fans are arrogant, they believe they are God's gift to humanity and that they only lose because something else was to blame "not the coaching nor the players". Every year they have should win the national championship, (never a rebuildign year), and every year they have the heisman trophey winner on there team.... so this is nothing new to me...

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smith288 said:
Uhh...NO interceptions and to look like Vince Young... THEN he is where he needs to be.

I don't care if he looks like VY. I want him to be efficient and take what the D gives him. If that results in 4 of 5 in the red zone, I'll take it. Yes, I too would like to see no interceptions, but 4 scores out of 5 chances isn't bad.
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power running does not have to be three yards and a cloud. What I ment by power was allowing our line to put a hat on a man and drive. I see the key to this game as your defensive line. If they can keep our o-line from reaching the second level then it will be a long day for the horns. We cannot allow hawk and co. to roam free. Yes we will have to take a shot every now and then, and I would love to mix in some passes on 1st down, but the bottom line for texas will be can they over power your d line and control the trenches
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texasbuckeye said:
Well this does not surprise me I live DOWN here and one thing I know is the Texas fans are arrogant, they believe they are God's gift to humanity and that they only lose because something else was to blame "not the coaching nor the players". Every year they have should win the national championship, (never a rebuildign year), and every year they have the heisman trophey winner on there team.... so this is nothing new to me...

When I made my first statement in that thread I just thought the one guy was comparing the 2 because Vick is the prototype, but VY wasn't even close. I was floored to find out they actually think he's better.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
OK, I've been lurking at hornfans for the last couple days because I was told its the best site for UT fans. I finally snapped and had to partake in a thread.


I'm hoping people like EH and company can tell me that the board has just been over run with idiots and this isn't the norm. Simple summary: Vince Young is better than Michael Vick. Seriously.

Note: Don't go over there and flame or argue back at them, I'm just showing you the thread.

Good grief I just saw that...you don't see us comparing Ted Ginn to say Jerry Rice do you?? They need a reality check big time and I hope they get it tomorrow...or I know they will I mean :)
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