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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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We have enough Zwick vs. Smith threads, so let's not cross that line here. Eh, what the hell....to me, Zwick is scary because of his happy feet. As soon as he feels pressure, whether real or imagined, he panics, and either gets sacked or throws a bad pass. His tendency to lock onto his primary receiver is frustrating as well, especially because everytime he finally tears away from the primary guy, it's a virtual guarantee that coming pass is going to be a duck. If Zwick can maintain his pocket presence and keep his poise when he is getting pressured by the Texas D line (and that WILL happen), then tOSU is in good shape. I don't see that happening, though, because it hasn't happened since his first day on campus.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
OK, I've been lurking at hornfans for the last couple days because I was told its the best site for UT fans. I finally snapped and had to partake in a thread.


I'm hoping people like EH and company can tell me that the board has just been over run with idiots and this isn't the norm. Simple summary: Vince Young is better than Michael Vick. Seriously.

Note: Don't go over there and flame or argue back at them, I'm just showing you the thread.

What did you expect, you are underrating Vince.
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and that they only lose because something else was to blame "not the coaching nor the players".

Thats funny, I always thought that Texas fans were too quick to jump on the coaches ass? To tell you the truth, I don't see much difference at all in the way Texas fans think about our program and how Buck fans think about theres. Obviously just one man's oppinion so take it for what its worth
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MililaniBuckeye said:
So, you think Texas wins by 10-17 points? Crackmeister...

Absolutely, that is the expected point differential based on last year, common opponents last year (adjusted to 0 net turnovers), and is supported by what little evidence has been available so far this year.
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Well then, what the F are we arguing for? :wink2:

I agree with what you said there...the LB's are key for the OSU D. I think Texas is going to have to try to spread the field and then punch it up the middle. A couple swing passes, plus a shot or three deep to keep the defense spread will be important.
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smith288 said:
Out of curiosity...why would anyone want to be inebriated during this game? For a game against Indiana, ok...but this game is too good to forget through a drunkard fog.

I agree completely, people started buying me drinks 1 hour before last years bolw game and I still don't know most of what happened in that game. Thats a mistake I will never make again. As far as the HD issue call 818-460-7477 and hit option 4 to leave them a message about what you think about it not being listed as HD.
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xrayrandy said:
Absolutely, that is the expected point differential based on last year, common opponents last year (adjusted to 0 net turnovers), and is supported by what little evidence has been available so far this year.

So, you're saying because you scored 56 points, at home, against Oklahoma State, that figures into how much you'll score against us? The game isn't played on paper, stat-monkey...
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