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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Piney said:
My big question for Texas fans is if Ohio State is constantly in 3-4 WR sets will Texas counter in nickel and dime looks. Also preventing Texas from keeping their linebackers on the field.
Yes and no, our starting SLB Kelson is a safety too making our base package either a standard 3-4 or a nickle depending on the game situation.

We have also put Cedric Griffin at FS, shifting Michael Griffin to nickel and bring in Tarell Brown (Who started at corner last year) at CB. This configuration puts 5 true cornerbacks in the secondary. I don't think we will need to use dime coverage at all.
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Piney said:
The sick part is that Trev was starting to grow on me. Mark May was the one that has been driving me nuts of late.
Agreed. A lot of people point to Trev because he was driving the Iowa bandwagon, not to mention the Brad Banks for Heisman bandwagon, in 2002. Then there was the Alamo Bowl post game show last December. But the point of the matter is that that is what studio analysts do, and just because he happens to have a different opinion, he's still entitled to have that opinion. At least he admits when he is wrong, and can be self-depricating about his bad picks. Trev did not have any sort of hatred towards OSU or the football program. On the contrary, Alberts was very vocal (back when he was with CNN/SI) that OSU deserved to be in the 1998/99 Fiesta Bowl in place of Florida State. He wrote a pretty glowing review of the team on January 5, 2003 too.

I've never had a problem with Trev. Mark May, on the other hand, is just an ignorant, arrogant, bitter douche.

Ideally, I'd like to see Fowler step down and go do his cheese and wine, tennis match analysis thing, dump Mark May altogether, and put Rece Davis on the GameDay set with Lee and Kirk. Just have those three do all the post-game stuff from their location, since they pretty much do already -- hence what Trev was complaining about leading to his dismissal. Let the teams at the ESPN News desk handle the in-game updates.
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i understand that they were just about as close to being two different teams as possible, much the same way I am sure that you understand, by now anyway, that our game against osu was a fluke, We were not as bad as we looked in the first half and not as good as we looked in the second. I just threw out the northwestern thing because it seems to be a standarded talking point for people that don't know much about the bucks, much the way the game with okie lite is with the horns
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High Lonesome said:
i understand that they were just about as close to being two different teams as possible, much the same way I am sure that you understand, by now anyway, that our game against osu was a fluke, We were not as bad as we looked in the first half and not as good as we looked in the second. I just threw out the northwestern thing because it seems to be a standarded talking point for people that don't know much about the bucks, much the way the game with okie lite is with the horns

You've never heard me say anything about Okie St........although I'm sure that some here probably have. My biggest point about Texas is Mack Browns ability to choke in big games........at OSU we had the same problem......we called him John Cooper.

For what it's worth, we lost to Northwestern at night on the road. :wink2:
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High Lonesome said:
i understand that they were just about as close to being two different teams as possible, much the same way I am sure that you understand, by now anyway, that our game against osu was a fluke, We were not as bad as we looked in the first half and not as good as we looked in the second. I just threw out the northwestern thing because it seems to be a standarded talking point for people that don't know much about the bucks, much the way the game with okie lite is with the horns

Understood completely. I've read enough of your posts to know you aren't a trashtalker.

So HL, if there is one player that tOSU fans are not discussing, but could be a major player on saturday, who would you say?

I'm hearing a good bit on Taylor...but was wondering if there is some unknown we should keep an eye on.
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gregorylee said:
The difference being that Tt doesn't have all the talent that tOSU does. These offenses used to be a way for teams with lesser talent to even the playing field. Now that some of the "powerhouses" are using it, it should be moving to a whole nother level. At least I hope :wink:

But to Texas Tech's defense, they have been running that offense for a long time now, and can probably execute it better than teams with more talent.

As for all of the different schemes and different QBs that tOSU may run, the heart of our defense has faced running QBs (Matt Jones, Brad Smith) Running and Throwing QBs (McNeal) and Tech's offense in the past, so they should not be overwhelmed by any of the schemes that tOSU runs. tOSU may be able to execute against our defense, but I don't think that they will fool our defense with different set ups.
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texasfight06 said:
But to Texas Tech's defense, they have been running that offense for a long time now, and can probably execute it better than teams with more talent.

As for all of the different schemes and different QBs that tOSU may run, the heart of our defense has faced running QBs (Matt Jones, Brad Smith) Running and Throwing QBs (McNeal) and Tech's offense in the past, so they should not be overwhelmed by any of the schemes that tOSU runs. tOSU may be able to execute against our defense, but I don't think that they will fool our defense with different set ups.

Not saying that they will, I was just replying to HL's post. I think we all know that this game comes down to execution. The talent level is pretty much a wash.
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I listen to XM Radio here at work, and the National XM DJ for "The 60's" station just started talking about the OSU Texas game. In honor of it, he played "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" and he just finished playing "Hang on Sloopy".

It's everywhere...
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Folanator said:
Metric Lesson of the day for Matt:

100 yards is longer than 100 meters. That is why it is the 110 now.

[SIZE=+1]Where'd you go to school...
100 meters = 109.36133 yards, 100 yards is 91.44 meters (1 meter is 39.something inches, whereas a yard is 36 inches...)
Therefore, 100 meters > 100 yards...the world record is sub-9.8 seconds in the 100 meter dash

The hurdles is 110 meters AFAIK, and has been as long as I can remember (admittedly, I am not a track & field junkie)

Maybe you got your statement backwards?
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