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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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texasfight06 said:
Man, HL, when this game is over and I only post here one more time until next year, I am going to miss your "powerfully tallented" "speling". Just messin' witcha.
By 'next year' you mean 'when Texas and Ohio State rematch in the Rose Bowl,' right? :wink:
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Brown is letting his players run their mouths and thats a mistake. Who in the fuck is Cedric Griffin. Our WR's torched probably on of the top 10 DB's in the country this weekend. Who in the B12 throws the ball vertically that they faced last year. Okie is the only team besides Michigan and Michigan torched their secondary.

Ginn is fast enough I couldn't imagine how fast he is when hes pissed off. Our WR's are reading this quote I'm sure.

Texas fans I know why your going to lose this game. You've been hyped all year and beat down a team that Miami of Ohio would have beaten by 35+ points. YOUR NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I haven't wanted to beat a team as bad as Texas since the 2002 Fiesta Bowl. I'm starting to really lose my respect for their program daily.

Just remember Texas when you get as good as tradition as Ohio St. you don't need to brag because everybody knows how damn good you are...Texas unfortunately hasn't learned that yet and Saturday night will be their first lesson. Its Buckeye Football 101 and Jim Tressel is the instructor and Mack Brown will be sitting in the front row!!!
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2002UNC said:
Brown is letting his players run their mouths and thats a mistake. Who in the fuck is Cedric Griffin. Our WR's torched probably on of the top 10 DB's in the country this weekend. Who in the B12 throws the ball vertically that they faced last year. Okie is the only team besides Michigan and Michigan torched their secondary.

Ginn is fast enough I couldn't imagine how fast he is when hes pissed off. Our WR's are reading this quote I'm sure.

Texas fans I know why your going to lose this game. You've been hyped all year and beat down a team that Miami of Ohio would have beaten by 35+ points. YOUR NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I haven't wanted to beat a team as bad as Texas since the 2002 Fiesta Bowl. I'm starting to really lose my respect for their program daily.

Just remember Texas when you get as good as tradition as Ohio St. you don't need to brag because everybody knows how damn good you are...Texas unfortunately hasn't learned that yet and Saturday night will be their first lesson. Its Buckeye Football 101 and Jim Tressel is the instructor and Mack Brown will be sitting in the front row!!!

Easy killer
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2002UNC said:
Brown is letting his players run their mouths and thats a mistake. Who in the fuck is Cedric Griffin. Our WR's torched probably on of the top 10 DB's in the country this weekend. Who in the B12 throws the ball vertically that they faced last year. Okie is the only team besides Michigan and Michigan torched their secondary.

Ginn is fast enough I couldn't imagine how fast he is when hes pissed off. Our WR's are reading this quote I'm sure.

Texas fans I know why your going to lose this game. You've been hyped all year and beat down a team that Miami of Ohio would have beaten by 35+ points. YOUR NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I haven't wanted to beat a team as bad as Texas since the 2002 Fiesta Bowl. I'm starting to really lose my respect for their program daily.

Just remember Texas when you get as good as tradition as Ohio St. you don't need to brag because everybody knows how damn good you are...Texas unfortunately hasn't learned that yet and Saturday night will be their first lesson. Its Buckeye Football 101 and Jim Tressel is the instructor and Mack Brown will be sitting in the front row!!!

Let's take a deep breath and relax here...no need to fire away like that
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
I thought you guys said hornfans.com was a good site.

That place has eroded into a jumble of trash talk and bullshit over the last week. Although, there have been a number of (god this hurts) tOSU supporters over there acting like asses and screwing it up for everyone else.
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Heck I just love the trash talk, I say bring it on! We need more trash talk from the players. Really what should that effect on gameday? If neither side can get up for a game of this magnitude and running onto a field with 100,000+ roaring drunk fans, then nothing will.

But it will be fun to see then which team is discipline enough not to get any taunting penalties. Heck at this point I just want the game to get here already!!!
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Two Alumni Tickets for Texas

Edit: See post #3
Hey Everyone.

I put this on another thread, but I didn't feel right about free advertising...

But, a freind of mine has the following tickets for the Texas Game for sale. (He had some last minute things come up obviously)

Ticket info is:

The Tix are Alumni, No ID.
Section 12C (Top Deck)
Row 1 (Yes, Row 1)
Seat 22 & 23

At any rate, I PM's Clarity for permission to post this, and feel that it would be fair if 10% of the sale price will benefit Buckeye Planet.

I can arrange an in person Meeting with wither my friend on Thursday, or I can take care of it on Friday or Saturday morning (as he will be out of town, poor bastard.)

Please PM me for Further Details and to make an offer. They will be more than Face Value, but He will let them go for less than some of the Astronomical E-bay prices to not have to deal with all that uncertainty.
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2002UNC said:
Brown is letting his players run their mouths and thats a mistake. Who in the fuck is Cedric Griffin. Our WR's torched probably on of the top 10 DB's in the country this weekend. Who in the B12 throws the ball vertically that they faced last year. Okie is the only team besides Michigan and Michigan torched their secondary.

Ginn is fast enough I couldn't imagine how fast he is when hes pissed off. Our WR's are reading this quote I'm sure.

Texas fans I know why your going to lose this game. You've been hyped all year and beat down a team that Miami of Ohio would have beaten by 35+ points. YOUR NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I haven't wanted to beat a team as bad as Texas since the 2002 Fiesta Bowl. I'm starting to really lose my respect for their program daily.

Just remember Texas when you get as good as tradition as Ohio St. you don't need to brag because everybody knows how damn good you are...Texas unfortunately hasn't learned that yet and Saturday night will be their first lesson. Its Buckeye Football 101 and Jim Tressel is the instructor and Mack Brown will be sitting in the front row!!!

hold the fire. Cedric Griffin is one guy talking, and he said that he hasn't seen much route running out of Ginn, and people on this board have said that he was still learning how to play WR. Griffin also said that Holmes can beat you with his route running. Griffin has also said that he is embarrased of UTs kick coverage. He has also said that he thinks talentwise, the teams are evenly matched, and that if he gives the edge to anyone, he gives it to UT because he believes in his fellow teammates.

WOW. he is just echoing most of what the levelheaded people on this board have been saying. He has been talking a lot, but he really hasn't said anything too insulting. Calling Roy Williams a better WR than Holmes and Ginn, is like like saying my front row seats are better than your second row seats. Roy is becoming a proven WR in the NFL right now.

IT comes down to him saying that he hasn't seen Ginn running routes, which is a slight, but from what I have read and seen, Ginn is a burner who relies on raw talent rather than experience as a WR.

Griffin has been too talkative, but fairly honest with himself. The guy has started a game in all four years of his playing career, and he is talking before a big game. All of our players know that the knock on UT is that they can't win the big game, and that it goes back to the past five OU games, the Big XII CU debacle, and that this game means a helluva lot more than a nonconference game.

And you want to beat us worse than you have wanted to beat Michigan over the past couple of years? I feel honored.
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