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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I won't. Enough with the flaming. If you want to rationalize, such as High Lonesome is doing, then do it. But throwing insults and unsubstantiated opinions that are inflammatory in nature will not be tolerated on this board.

2002UNC - this goes for everybody, not just you. Your posts are the only one on this thread that are "toeing the line", however, so I'm using those posts as an example. Don't take it personally, but back off a little.
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Okay- Gotten a lot of PM's. Some good, some not so good.

I really don't want to run an auction, and I really don't want anyone to have to out bid anyone else "down to the wire"

On the other hand, my frind would like as near to FMV as possible...as would anyone.

So... Here's what we're going to do.

We'll do a silent Auction until noon tomorrow (Thursday 9/7). Highest bid takes them. (we didn't want to do this because other avenues for their sale were available, but the offers here are as good so far)

Please, serious bids only.

Also, if you are bidding on e-bay, or whatever, for a different pair, please bid on one or the other.

If there is a tie, I'll take the first bid at that price.

DO not post your bid on this thread, it doesn't count, and no one else should consider a bid on this thread as such.

I apologize for sucking at this.


Also, if you bid I may not have time to respond to everyone, so activate the return receipt option, if you get it back, you know your bid is in. Also, if you won't be online tomorrow at about 1 pm, please include an e-mail address, they will be kept confidential.
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I never quite get the folks on either side who predict a rout in a game like this. What I see is not a 'lack of respect' but a 'lack of consideration'. We know what OSU had done offensively and Texas knows what they have done. But we have never done it against one another.

OSU has a VERY good Defense. So does Texas. Neither team will be able to execute their offensive game plan with much success. A game like this will be decided by special teams, turnovers and whichever team has the greater defensive dominance - and that is most likely to result from game planning and adjustments.

If there is any name on the Texas side that concerns me it is Chizik. If there is any single name that should concern Texas it is Tressel.
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I'm not going to say blow out, of course. Still, if Texas plays as I have grown used to seeing a typical Big XII team play, I can see OSU winning by a couple of scores.

There is no doubt Texas has players and are a very solid team. Don't get me wrong. I just have lost a great deal of respect for the conference as a whole over the years and until I see something different am going to expect Texas to essentially, as Cowherd put it, get pushed around.

Again, OSU could well lose this game, Texas fans. I'm not going to sit here and say they have no chance. They do. I am of the opinion I'll believe it when I see it.
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GOT MY TICKETS IN THE MAIL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banger:

I now have officially checked out for the week. I hope my customers don't need anything, cuz they aren't getting it.

28C - Row 33 - 13,14,15,16
28C - Row 32 - 15,16
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