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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Yeah, I'll post the winning amount.

So don't be the guy who said, "Shit, I would have paid that much!"

OK, I'll say "Shit, I would have paid $1 more than that!"

No problem, I've already got my ticket. :wink2:
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Oh8ch said:
I never quite get the folks on either side who predict a rout in a game like this. What I see is not a 'lack of respect' but a 'lack of consideration'. We know what OSU had done offensively and Texas knows what they have done. But we have never done it against one another.

Hey, some OSU fans have actually watched some Texas games too, and given the combination of our late-season rout of Michigan, the Texas Rose Bowl squeaker (with a ton of points allowed and the heart of that defense gone), and OSU's lifetime record against BigXII teams, I don't think predicting a rout is too far out of line. Not that I would actually be so bold, but some people... :biggrin:
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Does anybody else see this being the loudest game in Ohio Stadium history?

It up to everybody going to the game, and I think it is really really important to help the buckeyes feed off the fans. I feel that if you have tickets for this game, and are an Ohio State fan, then it is your duty to be as loud as possible.

Be louder than you've ever been...and get everyone else to be loud too!!! This can't be said enough!
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I agree they have to show me. The Big 12's performance in the last few NC's and against us the last two bowls leaves big doubt in my mind. Our common opponents last year tell a huge difference too. They are coming to our house! The likes they have never seen except when they play at home. We go to "Happy Valley" and "The Big House" on regular occasions. I just don't think they know what to expect walking into "The Shoe" on Saturday night. Not to metion seeing several Heisman trophy winners on the sideline, the "Gameday Crew", two of which picked us as champs several weeks ago, and all of us crazies in the stands! This game is huge! There is much more on the line than just these two teams. This is a way of life finally coming head to head after a century. Ohio football vs. Texas football! The two biggest football producing states in the nation! I just believe they are overrated. Just because mediocre OU is on a downside doesn't mean Texas automatically takes their place! I'm not saying they are not a good team. I just don't think they can come in to our house and beat the team I saw at "The Shoe" last saturday. I have seen many Buckeye teams the last 35 years or so and I have never seen one as polished and ready so early in the season. Maybe I will be proven wrong on Saturday night but I don't think so and niether do the Buckeyes!
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I think in the Athletic Department Communication newsletter thingy they hinted that this game might set the attendance record. "The 'Shoe will be bursting at the seams" or something like that. Hmm...another vBet? Attendance for the 10th? Not that I have any money to bet...

If that's the case, then shit, its gon be loud.
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I want to go back to when someone earlier was saying how cool it would be if someone like Spielman were to replace Trev.

No way ESPN goes with a second Buckeye. Besides, Spiels would get canned the first time he shouted 'Go Bucks' during a GameDay replay of a big Buckeye hit.
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Good Luck from a Texas Alum!

Just wanted to say good luck to all you Buckeye fans out there. You guys have a great team and if you're half as excited about the game this week as I am, you are beside yourselves. IMO, this is without a doubt the game of the season. Have good one. Hook 'Em Horns!
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JonathanXC said:
Does anybody else see this being the loudest game in Ohio Stadium history?

It up to everybody going to the game, and I think it is really really important to help the buckeyes feed off the fans. I feel that if you have tickets for this game, and are an Ohio State fan, then it is your duty to be as loud as possible.

Be louder than you've ever been...and get everyone else to be loud too!!! This can't be said enough!

Totally agree.
Going to go crazy if I have the same type of fans around me as last game.
Getting upset for wanting to give a stranger a high-five after a Ginn TD is definitely out of the question at this one.
Wish those types would stay home, or sell their tix to Texas fans.
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