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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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The game of the season is THE GAME (tOSU vs. scUM), this is as good or better than any non conference (non championship) game I can remember. Good luck to you as well. I'm fairly young but I may need some heart medication after this one.
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good luck to you as well. this has to be one of the biggest non-conference/non-bowl games in a few years. all i ask is that it stays clean. if you do come in contact with Mr. Young, tell him to watch out for #47. just some friendly words of advice. this one should live up to the hype. GO BUCKS!
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Oh wait... there is a game this weekend? And I have a wedding to go to :smash:

Oh yeah forgot, already pissed off the fiance's friend since I laughed and said fat chance of me being there :biggrin: My fiance on the other hand understands why I won't be there.
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BUCKS 1 said:
I have seen many Buckeye teams the last 35 years or so and I have never seen one as polished and ready so early in the season. Maybe I will be proven wrong on Saturday night but I don't think so and niether do the Buckeyes!

Recently: 1995 and 1996 come to mind instantly (1996 in particular, outscoring your first two opponants 142 - 7 does that).. as does 1998..... Even the 2002 and 03 squads were ready to rock coming out of the gate.

Still, I get your point, the Bucks did look good in game one, and that was god to see.
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