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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Roy Williams is better than anyone this kid will face on Saturday. That said, Saturday night won't be a practice or scrimmage and he may be in for a rude awakening.
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Taylor has the tallent to break it at any time but my money is on Jamal Charles, the freshman running back. He set a Texas record last week for yards in a debut and looks like the real deal. He is the fastest of our true RB's. I know of more than a few longhorns that are secretly hoping that selvin's ankle is a bigger deal than they are letting on. Also Henry Melton, the other freshman running back is a beast, at 6-5 270. Rod Wright has been quoted as saying something to the effect of, ' I don't think that we have tackled him once this year, just slowed his forward progress.' If macks nuts don't shrivel up then he should play both of these kids and they will more than make up for the loss of Benson. I wish I could give you the name of some flashy gamebreaker, but thats not who we are, and with the way these kids look thats not who we are going to be for a while.
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I don't think he will be, he is fast,powerfull, and has some moves. one of your posters hit it on the head when they said that he looked like Bettis with more size and speed, At one point in time he had 5 total carries and had been tackled once. He has already sealed the shortyardage roll, and should only get better. He is a seriously scarry sight in the backfield
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Misanthrope said:
As if this place doesn't bitch about Alberts?

Funny you should mention Bucknuts, though, because I never see BuckeyePlanet mentioned there.

This place is no better than Bucknuts, it's just different than Bucknuts. Both places have plenty of brainless windbags...something OSU alums have just learned to accept. It's the price of having a good football program.

Sure, we bitch about a lot of things, but I think saying BP is no better than BN is pretty short sighted. There are posters who participate in both sites and there are also posters who never wander over to BN. Personally, I prefer BP as the content is better, the posters are more behaved, there are some very informed members here, and the administrators do their jobs on this site.

As to portraying non OSU-alums as windbags that is just idiotic. I'm an alum and I have learned more about the ins and outs of college ball from this site and all those damn "windbag" non-alums than I learned while at OSU.

I'm glad that BP is never mentioned on BN, assuming that is true as I have not been to the site in a while. It seemed like the traffic here of flamers and newbies picked up as soon as the season began. I'd rather keep this place a bit of a secret.

But hey, that's just my opinion. If BN is more your style I am sure you are welcome there. If BP is just a bunch of whining windbags there are other sites out there for you including those with discounted rates.

Edit: I dinged you because the OSU community and BP is not about alums versus non-alums. We are all fans, just to differing degrees.
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LRABuck said:
I listen to XM Radio here at work, and the National XM DJ for "The 60's" station just started talking about the OSU Texas game. In honor of it, he played "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" and he just finished playing "Hang on Sloopy".

It's everywhere...
For those that don't know it, here are the lyrics to "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You":

"In the Eyes of the Ranger, the unsuspecting stranger,
had better know the truth of wrong from right.
'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you, any wrong you do he's gonna see.
When you're in Texas, look behind you, 'cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be."

It can be downloaded here: http://www.kfcplainfield.com/sound/walker.wav
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gregorylee said:
Not saying that they will, I was just replying to HL's post. I think we all know that this game comes down to execution. The talent level is pretty much a wash.

agree, only my first part of that last post was involving your and HL's posts, the second part was more of a response to the posts (of others) regarding how the different QBs, the spread O etc. will give UT problems.
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High Lonesome said:
I don't think he will be, he is fast,powerfull, and has some moves. one of your posters hit it on the head when they said that he looked like Bettis with more size and speed, At one point in time he had 5 total carries and had been tackled once. He has already sealed the shortyardage roll, and should only get better. He is a seriously scarry sight in the backfield

Man, HL, when this game is over and I only post here one more time until next year, I am going to miss your "powerfully tallented" "speling". Just messin' witcha.
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High Lonesome said:
it wouldn't suprise me if we went to the nickle, but it would only require us taking out our sam lb, Harris would stay in the middle and kelson is a converted saftey. I have to admit that y'all reminded me of texas tech with tallent last week, robinson shut them down, but chizik has never faced anything like that in the sec, it is a cause for concern for sure

That's what I am looking for, just don't feel like going through the million posts in this thread to see if it has been answered yet :)

I just see that as the key matchup tOSU offense vs. the Texas defense. While it will be exciting to see VY against our defense I just don't see Texas scoring at will like against Michigan. Heck, Northern Illinois racked up over 400 yards on scUM last weekend. But I am also not stupid and realize that VY will escape now and then, but I am can see Texas scoring around 17-24 points, but not much more.

Then that leads to can Ohio State score more than 24 points. That is the key to victory for both teams, can the Texas defense hold our offense. Will Texas press more to prevent the short passes which might lead to big plays downfield. And can tOSU offensive line be able to hold their blocks for 3-5 step drops and not let the Texas D-Line have their way in the trenches.

All I know is this is sure going to be fun to watch.
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