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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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it wouldn't suprise me if we went to the nickle, but it would only require us taking out our sam lb, Harris would stay in the middle and kelson is a converted saftey. I have to admit that y'all reminded me of texas tech with tallent last week, robinson shut them down, but chizik has never faced anything like that in the sec, it is a cause for concern for sure
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High Lonesome said:
it wouldn't suprise me if we went to the nickle, but it would only require us taking out our sam lb, Harris would stay in the middle and kelson is a converted saftey. I have to admit that y'all reminded me of texas tech with tallent last week, robinson shut them down, but chizik has never faced anything like that in the sec, it is a cause for concern for sure

The difference being that Tt doesn't have all the talent that tOSU does. These offenses used to be a way for teams with lesser talent to even the playing field. Now that some of the "powerhouses" are using it, it should be moving to a whole nother level. At least I hope :wink:
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osugrad21 said:
Why discount Texas?

Several reasons:

1. Macky boy has proven he can't win the big game.
2. Tressel has proven time and again he can win the big game.
3. What exactly have they done to deserve all this hype? Beat a crummy scUM team at the buzzer?
4. How do you get better when you lose your best offensive and defensive players?
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Misanthrope said:
Funny you should mention Bucknuts, though, because I never see BuckeyePlanet mentioned there.

Couple of points -

1. Good
2. One wonders if they delete any mention of BP, I think (though I don't know) that they still off any post saying Mili or Clarity.
3. I don't know that anyone claimed BP was "better" than BN - and most would probably agree it's just different. Sears' comment wasnt out of line considering the known history over there.
4. The windbags here hang out on the Poli board (you know who you are :biggrin:)
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What a grill....

Listening to the radio this morning, NCI had two guys down there. They wer wigging out on the cars these guys are driving: Beemers, Benz, he saw one Ferrari Spyder.

We see where the recruiting national championships comes from. And it aint a dealership in Marion.
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buckeyeboy said:
Several reasons:

1. Macky boy has proven he can't win the big game.
2. Tressel has proven time and again he can win the big game.
3. What exactly have they done to deserve all this hype? Beat a crummy scUM team at the buzzer?
4. How do you get better when you lose your best offensive and defensive players?

21 was refering to the historical slight that you were giving us
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With all the trash talking from Texas,beginning to take form, i keep thinking back to last year when Ohio State had problems early on in the season until the arrival of Ted Ginn. At that moment Ohio State began to mold thier offensive style into a much better system because of Ginn. Yet last year i recall that Texas had a terrific time trying to hold down Oklahoma State and damn near lost that game to a team that the Buckeyes thrashed completely in the bowl game at San Antonio. That seems to stick in my mind when i think of what will happen saturday night in the Shoe. I just don't see Texas being that strong against Ohio State. I could be wrong but that is just the way i feel right now.
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High Lonesome said:
21 was refering to the historical slight that you were giving us


And the point that we have specifically asked ALL members, visitors and tOSU fans, to please discuss with intelligence on this board. There are plenty of other boards for the smack, but we don't want or need it here.

These guys who have been posting here have been very respectful and intelligent in their discussions...they deserve the same in return.
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Piney said:
Really what ESPN should do is get rid of Mark May and just have Chris, Lee & Kirk with Rece as the studio update guy.

What ever happend to Beano Cook? I know he's senile as hell but I get a kick out of him.

I think someone like Bob Davie or Lou Holtz should get the seat next to Rece.
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Metric Lesson of the day for Matt:

100 yards is longer than 100 meters. That is why it is the 110 now.

If he ran a 10.1 in the 100 yard dash...well I am not sure who has done that lately in the world. I could be wrong but isn't the WR like a 9.89?

I thought I remember J Owens having the WR for a long time.
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