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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
What a great blurb, This game is so much more than just a college football game, it almost seems as if we are trying to decide the "correct" way to play football, who's brand is more pure, who has the "right" answer to some higher question that is FOOTBALL
Ohio State.

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Back to the JZ/TS discussion for the game. I know this was a discussion earlier, and honestly I didn't want to read all 200 pages of discussion.

Was anyone else concerned that JZ was keying in on one receiver every play? He threw some beautiful, accurate passes, don't get me wrong. But it seemed he decided before the play started who it was going to, kind of like he was forcing it. Think this was part of the plan?

I'm really excited for the game! Whether it is JZ, TS, or TB, I think they have what it takes! I just hope they key in on Ginn again, because if so, Santonio and Gonzo are going to have a huge game!

Clash of the Titans, Showdown in the Shoe, and the biggest game in college football this week is T-3 days, 11 hours, and 45 minutes away!

Texas fans- for those of you coming up for the game, just wait until you experience what happens with 20 minutes left before gametime. Whether you love us or you hate us, you will never experience anything greater in your life!
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you mean this guy:
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jho46 said:
Was anyone else concerned that JZ was keying in on one receiver every play? He threw some beautiful, accurate passes, don't get me wrong. But it seemed he decided before the play started who it was going to, kind of like he was forcing it. Think this was part of the plan?

Already been discussed numerous times, but yes I believe 90% of his passes were designed throws. Hard to read anything else when a Bubble/Slip/or hitch is called.

Good post.
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jho46 said:
Back to the JZ/TS discussion for the game. I know this was a discussion earlier, and honestly I didn't want to read all 200 pages of discussion.

Was anyone else concerned that JZ was keying in on one receiver every play? He threw some beautiful, accurate passes, don't get me wrong. But it seemed he decided before the play started who it was going to, kind of like he was forcing it. Think this was part of the plan?

I think those plays were by designed. Quick 3 or less step drops that act like running plays. Who gets the ball depends on the pre-snap read by the QB. This is also to get ready for Texas, I think we showed Texas what we will be trying to do to them. The Texas Defensive Line is great, the best way to counter that advantage is a quick passing game.

My big question for Texas fans is if Ohio State is constantly in 3-4 WR sets will Texas counter in nickel and dime looks. Also preventing Texas from keeping their linebackers on the field.
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The sick part is that Trev was starting to grow on me. Mark May was the one that has been driving me nuts of late. Also no matter how much I love Chris he should not be an in-studio analyst, he is a better doing games. Really what ESPN should do is get rid of Mark May and just have Chris, Lee & Kirk with Rece as the studio update guy.
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I would love to see Spielman get the opportunity to a studio gig, but in my opinion, there's no way he'd take that job.

The whole point is to sit up there and stir up controversy by being a bigger idiot than the other guy. No way Spielman would stoop to that level.

My guess is that they throw one of ESPN's other mouths up there. Skip Bayless, or their other glory boy, Stephen A(hole) Smith would be my most likely candidates. - Or better yet, how 'bout Jim Rome? :slappy:
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