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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

It can be statisically proven that stats work.

meaning you can prove everything and nothing at the same time from stats:)

Just a comment on the stats argument of a few pages back. As Powair pointed out, stats can represent nonsense if that is the intention, so they are not 100% falsifiable. Like he said, they are basically saying " Truth is True." Well, great, sure thats 'correct' but its nonsense because it doens't directly claim anything.

With respect to this discussion, its not the stats that are hugely significant or insignificant, its the meaning we've attacted to them from our respective schools. From the Texas side, statistical arguments bolster our confidence about what we have returning and what we are likely to produce in the future, therefore we fancy that. Its not that we disagree with there being other intangibles of significance in a game like this, its just that we are assuming those intangibles are accounted for based on the type of team we have, and the game being on our turf. We expect our team to perform "intangibly," therefore stats are the only thing left really to scout. I'm sure the Bucks feel similarly about this in terms of criterion for confidence, its just they have less statistics to back them in this regard given the losses on defenses, plus the hostility that comes playing on the road, therefore you put more faith in the "intangible" aspects of the game by nature. Nonetheless, I think we both value the same things here with respect to believing in our teams, and we both just need to concede that stats are not as bad, or as good, as we've made them out to be.
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So let me get this straight, Aggies have been trying to take over our board? What are they going to do here, hump us to death? Idiots....

EDIT- Also, Kyle Field doesn't hold a candle to Ohio Stadium and A&M fans don't hold a candle to Buckeyes. I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I saw the Ags play in 02. Although, their band does give ours a run for their money. Script Ohio is what puts us over. But halftime, the Texas Aggie Band has ours beat.
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So let me get this straight, Aggies have been trying to take over our board? What are they going to do here, hump us to death? Idiots....

EDIT- Also, Kyle Field doesn't hold a candle to Ohio Stadium and A&M fans don't hold a candle to Buckeyes. I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I saw the Ags play in 02. Although, their band does give ours a run for their money. Script Ohio is what puts us over. But halftime, the Texas Aggie Band has ours beat.

Kyle field was much more impressive when they were a good team
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baseball has no masks to cover faces, lots of standing around so you can pay attention which also creates the ability to socialize in the middle of the game. Pluss it is still the American pastime, regardless of whether or not it is your favorite sport, baseball is unique

the best football movies are those that focus on the team and not the game, i.e. rudy and remember the titans
:biggrin: <object height="350" width="425">
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bmoaPmch5oI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="350" width="425"></object>
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I believe that the best sports movies are typically boxing movies:

Requiem for a Heavyweight

Raging Bull

to name just two.

My favorite football movie which is serious probably would be FNL, though there are moments in "The Replacements" that are etched in my memory.

Though, for sheer mindless entertainment Caddyshack is always good for a laugh.
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So what if Buckeyes are nuts? Be nice

Friday, August 25, 2006

Please do not taunt, tease, insult, fold, spindle, mutilate or otherwise mess with the Ohio State fans who are coming to Austin to visit next month for the big football game.
Be nice. Be cordial. Do not point out that Ohio is a four-letter word.
<!--endtext--><!--startclickprintexclude-->That's the message coming out of the University of Texas, which has started a campaign to get UT fans to behave this season. I suspect this is happening because UT wants to keep September's Ohio State-Texas game a fracas-free occasion.
See, at last year's game in Columbus, there were reports of UT fans being verbally abused and shoved around. It was so bad that Ohio State officials apologized for boorish Buckeye behavior.
So UT has begun a drive to make sure Bevo boosters don't reciprocate and try to out-ugly Ohio State when their fans come to Austin. The words "Texas fans make us proud" will appear on T-shirts, cups and the new KingKongatron scoreboard.
UT is doing the right thing. These Ohio folk will be our guests. So don't say rude things like, "So, I hear all the money and class is over at Michigan; any truth to that?" Or, "John Glenn: I hear tell he went to outer space just to get out of Ohio." Or, "Don't you Browns fans get tired of Pittsburgh kicking your butts?"
So, none of that kind of trash talk, OK? Show some manners. Show some Texas friendly. After all, these people deserve our sympathy. Ohio is so pathetic that the big cow sculpted out of butter at their state fair — the so-called butter cow — is made from a ton of butter that comes from Texas.
The reason? They say it's because butter sculptures require unsalted butter, and Ohio doesn't produce it. But I figure it's because Ohioans are too stupid to churn.
So smile, be nice and hand these Ohio folks a breakfast taco. And show them how to eat it so they don't squirt salsa out the end.
I find it amusing that UT is worried about the behavior of Longhorn fans. I'm a regular at UT home games and I find UT fans to be darn near boring. One time, two guys sitting behind me began discussing civil engineering. No wonder I've never seen a fistfight in Royal-Memorial Stadium. Besides, if it's a blowout, everybody's left by the third quarter to head for the air conditioning.
You tell me: How can trouble break out in an empty room?
Besides, there's really no reason to be less than gracious to the Ohio State people when they get here.
Tormenting these people would be like George W. Bush invading Iraq: picking on the wrong people. The mouth breathers who started the trouble up at Ohio State won't have the money to fly to Austin to come to the game. They'll be back home in their trailers watching Jerry Springer. Or, they'll be appearing on Jerry Springer. The Ohio State fans who make the trip will be the wealthy alumni.
What fun is it to set off some old Midwestern creaker's pacemaker? So show these people some class. Take them to a tailgate party. And puhleeze, no Cleveland jokes, OK?
John Kelso's column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact him at 445-3606 or [email protected].
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