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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

...but since we're talking about great sports movies, throw Bang the Drum Slowly into the mix... a young DiNero gives an incredible performance... and for laughs it's hard to beat Major League. I've given up on baseball since the last strike, but give them this, they get the better books and movies and no ones made a musical to match Damn Yankees.
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On the topic of football movies, what about the new one coming out with the Rock as the coach. I can't wait for his rousing speech before the team's biggest game..."Listen up you jailed jabronis, it is time to lay the smacketh down on their roody-poo candy asses. IF YA SMELL..........."
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Kick Scrimmage intel - discussion

The above link contains info about how our two promising kickers did during the kick scrimmage, a staple of JT. Pettrey had the best day at 9/9 and has a monster leg... but Pretorious will be strong competition. Pettrey lands his kickoffs at the back of the endzone even with the new tee.

Some teams might have flashier offenses every year, but many coaches could learn from JT's commitment to special teams.
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...but since we're talking about great sports movies, throw Bang the Drum Slowly into the mix... a young DiNero gives an incredible performance... and for laughs it's hard to beat Major League. I've given up on baseball since the last strike, but give them this, they get the better books and movies and no ones made a musical to match Damn Yankees.

There is something about Baseball that makes it a better fit for expression. Perhaps it's the quietness of it, or the timelessness. When you sit in a game at Yankee Stadium, you feel like it's the 1940's. Also, the individual display is so personal--football is a group sport, and so many movies and documentaries disappear under a wave of high fives, mind-numbing voilence and blasting noise. On Any Sunday is a prime example of this, and it's one of the best movies about FBall.
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There is something about Baseball that makes it a better fit for expression. Perhaps it's the quietness of it, or the timelessness. When you sit in a game at Yankee Stadium, you feel like it's the 1940's. Also, the individual display is so personal--football is a group sport, and so many movies and documentaries disappear under a wave of high fives, mind-numbing voilence and blasting noise. On Any Sunday is a prime example of this, and it's one of the best movies about FBall.

baseball has no masks to cover faces, lots of standing around so you can pay attention which also creates the ability to socialize in the middle of the game. Pluss it is still the American pastime, regardless of whether or not it is your favorite sport, baseball is unique

the best football movies are those that focus on the team and not the game, i.e. rudy and remember the titans
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