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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

One more thing's bigger in Texas. It's surprising that the record was still held by a bunch of Fab-Five wannabes.


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Title-winning Texas rakes in record $8.2 million in royalties</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--startclickprintexclude--><TABLE height=25 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><!--endclickprintexclude-->Posted 8/25/2006 12:47 AM ET

Texas, after its first football national title since 1970, smashed Michigan's record for collegiate licensing royalties with $8.2 million in the 2005-06 school year.

"It was just an extraordinary, unique year for us as a program and for the university overall," said Craig Westemeier, UT director of trademark licensing. Final figures were announced Thursday.

Westemeier predicted in January the school might reach $8 million, far above the record $6.2 million by Michigan in 1993-94. It was also a more than 100% increase from what Texas brought in the year before.

"I thought that ($8 million) would have been the maximum number if everything had gone right for us," he said. "I thought that was the ceiling."

Texas is part of a consortium that includes 147 Division I programs and 82 Division I-A football schools aligned with Collegiate Licensing Co. Most of the major schools, including Notre Dame, have deals with CLC, according to spokesman Derek Hughes.

For Texas, royalties come from sales of items such as clothing, furniture and even a small Waterford crystal football. Texas collects about 8 cents in royalties for every dollar of wholesale revenue generated by about 450 licensees.

The football title is only part of the reason for the licensing success, Westemeier said. Licensing royalties have steadily increased the last six years in part thanks to success across the board in athletics. When the last school year began, Texas was the reigning national champion in baseball.

Other sports, such as softball, swimming and golf, annually do well.
Westemeier, who does not report to the athletics department, said much of the money will go to support athletics programs but some also will go to campus improvement.

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You're probably right if we go by NY Times, LA Times, etc standards. But I like his folksy style- it's very........Austin (bubba Austin not hippie Austin), no? His columns about driving to the Rose Bowls both years were classics. And he likes to poke fun at people I think need to be made fun of, like Californians, people who live in Round Rock, and pretentious NIMBY 78704 folks.
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Not sure how I feel about all the two TE stuff. TE isn't exactly a strength for us this year.
I think it depends on how well we are able to utilize it. I don't know much about football X's and O's, but I would take a gander and say that this scheme could really open up our vertical passing game depending on where the safeties might line up. If the safeties move closer to the LOS, we could really take some chances, mainly in Sweed possibly being in man coverage...taking a chance with a jump ball that could either get intercepted and work as a long punt or whatnot. I think it would also utilize J. Finley as passing threat. A man whose 6-5, 210-220 lbs. and presumably with some jumps (basketball player) could really create some mismatches against anybody. As far as running the ball though, I'm not so sure I would like this formation. I think it compacts the field way too much making it more difficult to find some running room. This season should give us Longhorns a pretty good idea on how instrumental Greg Davis was in making our offense the best at putting up points...maybe it really was all Vince Young :confused:. Only time will tell...
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EngineerHorn said:
Not sure how I feel about all the two TE stuff. TE isn't exactly a strength for us this year.
Wait. You don't have 2 TEs that are better than Antonio Gates who are actually playing different positions because they are just better at everything anybody has ever done before them?

What are their rival's rankings?!
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You're probably right if we go by NY Times, LA Times, etc standards. But I like his folksy style- it's very........Austin (bubba Austin not hippie Austin), no? His columns about driving to the Rose Bowls both years were classics. And he likes to poke fun at people I think need to be made fun of, like Californians, people who live in Round Rock, and pretentious NIMBY 78704 folks.

please send me a link to the article ragging on people who live in round rock
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