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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

HL.......there is no particular article where he makes fun of people in Round Rock. Just little jabs and asides in articles about other topics. You know, stereotypcial suburb stuff. Same could be said about Plano, Sugar Land, McKinney, etc.

And the TE situation...... no, I won't lose any sleep over it either. But who would you rather have on the field- Neale Tweedie or Quan Cosby? Depends on the situation obviously, but I think most people would say Quan. I'd take Quan over Finley until he proves something as well.
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wouldn't this be fun?

this from the blog of the Longhorn beat writer for the Dallas Morning News. he was asked who would start at QB for the Horns.

But yes, McCoy will be your starter on Sept. 2 and, barring a Simms-like breakdown circa the 2001 Big 12 title game, the starter on Sept. 9 against the top-ranked Buckeyes.

Hmmm... a "Simms-like breakdown" against UNT on September 2? Granted that shouldn't happen because UNT is just about a half notch better than most 4A high school teams but wouldn't it be greatness if McCoy went out and just blew up? maybe just as good would be if he just wasn't very impressive? not horrible but not great either - that would stoke the confidence of the coaching staff!

a QB controversy seven days before entertaining the number one team in the country on national TV? now that would be fun!

probably not going to happen but I admit I'll be keeping an eye on that game . . .
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this from the blog of the Longhorn beat writer for the Dallas Morning News. he was asked who would start at QB for the Horns.

But yes, McCoy will be your starter on Sept. 2 and, barring a Simms-like breakdown circa the 2001 Big 12 title game, the starter on Sept. 9 against the top-ranked Buckeyes.

Hmmm... a "Simms-like breakdown" against UNT on September 2? Granted that shouldn't happen because UNT is just about a half notch better than most 4A high school teams but wouldn't it be greatness if McCoy went out and just blew up? maybe just as good would be if he just wasn't very impressive? not horrible but not great either - that would stoke the confidence of the coaching staff!

a QB controversy seven days before entertaining the number one team in the country on national TV? now that would be fun!

probably not going to happen but I admit I'll be keeping an eye on that game . . .
I think most Buckeyes are going to be surprised by McCoy. Not because he'll play like a fifth year senior (because he won't). But instead because it seems like most Buckeyes have such a low expectations for Colt to begin with.

Of course, I realize some of my fellow longhorns have simliarly low expectations for the buckeye defense which I do not share.
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I think most Buckeyes are going to be surprised by McCoy. Not because he'll play like a fifth year senior (because he won't). But instead because it seems like most Buckeyes have such a low expectations for Colt to begin with.

Of course, I realize some of my fellow longhorns have simliarly low expectations for the buckeye defense which I do not share.

First things first...I just found out I got tickets today!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

As for Colt, if he'd played at all I think we'd have different expectations for him. Looking good in practice is one thing but even as good as the Texas defense is theres still going to be a difference between practice speed and game speed. How fast will he adjust? How will he react when things get tough? How will he react the first time someone slams him from the blindside? Will he get happy feet? What if they fall behind, will he trust the talent around him or will he press and make mistakes? We know he's talented, but theres an aweful lot of unknowns as well.

Our defense has people that have played, and in at least 5-6 cases started before. That experience makes a huge difference.
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I think most Buckeyes are going to be surprised by McCoy. Not because he'll play like a fifth year senior (because he won't). But instead because it seems like most Buckeyes have such a low expectations for Colt to begin with.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Texas have a reputation for under developing top talent at QB pre- Vince Young? That might be the source of some Buckeye fan's low expectations. After all, the offensive scheme can't be "let Vince be Vince" anymore.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Texas have a reputation for under developing top talent at QB pre- Vince Young? That might be the source of some Buckeye fan's low expectations. After all, the offensive scheme can't be "let Vince be Vince" anymore.

Let's examine this closer. Please name all the UT QBs that were so called under developed under Mack Brown's watch. I bet the only one you can name is Chris Simms.
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First things first...I just found out I got tickets today!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

As for Colt, if he'd played at all I think we'd have different expectations for him. Looking good in practice is one thing but even as good as the Texas defense is theres still going to be a difference between practice speed and game speed. How fast will he adjust? How will he react when things get tough? How will he react the first time someone slams him from the blindside? Will he get happy feet? What if they fall behind, will he trust the talent around him or will he press and make mistakes? We know he's talented, but theres an aweful lot of unknowns as well.

Our defense has people that have played, and in at least 5-6 cases started before. That experience makes a huge difference.

Fair..fair. Of course, I was thinking the same thing last year when I heard all the positive reports out of practice about Vince's improved passing and that turned out pretty well.
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