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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

To do so against the Texas defense will require some success in the passing game. Until T. Smith proves that against the best secondary in the Nation, saying you will be able to run the ball is nothing more than a personal opinion.
We have three people in our secondary who will be drafted by the NFL(possibly all 3 in the first round) so I would say YES.

Best secondary in the nation? Three first-round NFL picks in the secondary? Talk about nothing more than personal opinion (and moronic at that)...

Doesn't your chest hurt yet from all that thumpin'?
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To do so against the Texas defense will require some success in the passing game. Until T. Smith proves that against the best secondary in the Nation, saying you will be able to run the ball is nothing more than a personal opinion.

Umm... Hello? This entire thread is nothing more than people's personal opinions... yes, pal, even yours. (Even if you think writing it somehow turns it in to fact)
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Ugh... quit talking about the weather. You don't think the OSU players have ever done any physical activity when it's in the 90's? It hit 95 in Columbus yesterday, 94 today, and 95 tomorrow. That argument is about as played out as team speed.

Texas loses 3083 yards, 26 TD's
Texas returns 0 yards, 0 TD's

Ohio State loses 0 yards, 0 TD's
Ohio State returns 2708 yards, 18 TD's

That's a delta of 5791 yards and 44 TD's, in Ohio State's favor.

Add to that Texas loses the 1050 rushing yards and rushing 12 TDs that Young had. I seriously, seriously doubt that the two new QBs combined will be in the same parsec of those stats.
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Add to that Texas loses the 1050 rushing yards and rushing 12 TDs that Young had. I seriously, seriously doubt that the two new QBs combined will be in the same parsec of those stats.

Nonsense. They were huge gets in the recruiting game. You should know that by now. They'll both be slinging footballs in the NFL very soon. Hell, they'd both be starting at OSU, no question.
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So you're saying the NFL likes Texas' secondary more than any other schools? How can you make that point? did you poll the entire league?? As far as I'm concerned I've read and seen that tosu was one of the best in putting DB's in the leauge... Right now your secondary might be more seasoned but I wouldn't trade any of our players for yours.

You guys like stats correct? How about our numbers in the secondary
Both our safties are over 6'1" and over 205 pounds and both run in the low 4.4's, both our corners are over 6'0 (I think Washington or Amos will start), both are over 185 pounds and BOTH run 4.3-4.4 range. However just because we have an extreamly big/fast secondary, and also because tosu has a track record of putting DB's in the leauge doesn't make any of our starters 1st rounders.

You give any QB in the NCAA a decent amount of time to throw the ball and he'll pick you apart. With that being said I'm glad we have Troy Smith and you have some freshman slinging the ball around. Puts a ton more pressure on that DOWNRIGHT NASTY SECONDARY that texas has. I could care less how talented your secondary is, because to be honest we're a run first type of offense. So like I've said before get off the high horse about your secondary because it doesn't mean a thing if we can run the ball. Which we will IMO, because if we had some success with ZERO passing game last year against Texas and a decently young offensive line. I think we'll be able to move the ball on the ground this year because we have a passing game, a good o-line/big one as well, not to mention a scrambling QB.
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So you're saying the NFL likes Texas' secondary more than any other schools? How can you make that point? did you poll the entire league?? As far as I'm concerned I've read and seen that tosu was one of the best in putting DB's in the leauge... Right now your secondary might be more seasoned but I wouldn't trade any of our players for yours.

You guys like stats correct? How about our numbers in the secondary
Both our safties are over 6'1" and over 205 pounds and both run in the low 4.4's, both our corners are over 6'0 (I think Washington or Amos will start), both are over 185 pounds and BOTH run 4.3-4.4 range. However just because we have an extreamly big/fast secondary, and also because tosu has a track record of putting DB's in the leauge doesn't make any of our starters 1st rounders.

You give any QB in the NCAA a decent amount of time to throw the ball and he'll pick you apart. With that being said I'm glad we have Troy Smith and you have some freshman slinging the ball around. Puts a ton more pressure on that DOWNRIGHT NASTY SECONDARY that texas has. I could care less how talented your secondary is, because to be honest we're a run first type of offense. So like I've said before get off the high horse about your secondary because it doesn't mean a thing if we can run the ball. Which we will IMO, because if we had some success with ZERO passing game last year against Texas and a decently young offensive line. I think we'll be able to move the ball on the ground this year because we have a passing game, a good o-line/big one as well, not to mention a scrambling QB.
Bla bla bla... and they have no playing expierence.

Hey, wait.. Texas' QBs don't have any playing expierence either..

Wait... no problem.. they were highly regarded recruits.

OK.. world normal again....

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I take our secondary over anyones, NFL scouts seem to think so too.... Pal.


Why then does the above list of top 100 draft prospects for 2007 make mention of Griffin, and no other DB from the Texas roster? BTW, that list takes you through into 3rd round projections.

UTMNC said:
We have three people in our secondary who will be drafted by the NFL (possibly all 3 in the first round) so I would say YES.

And you cite Griffin, Ross and Brown (T) I see.

Sorry, but I went through 3 sites that discussed projections for the 2007 draft, (the most complete list linked above) I see nothing that backs up your claim. Where did the 3 high draft status DB claim originate from - you state NFL draft gurus agree with you. Which ones? A link would really help dispel our collective disbelief.
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Why then does the above list of top 100 draft prospects for 2007 make mention of Griffin, and no other DB from the Texas roster? BTW, that list takes you through into 3rd round projections.

And you cite Griffin, Ross and Brown (T) I see.

Sorry, but I went through 3 sites that discussed projections for the 2007 draft, (the most complete list linked above) I see nothing that backs up your claim. Where did the 3 high draft status DB claim originate from - you state NFL draft gurus agree with you. Which ones? A link would really help dispel our collective disbelief.

Well actually the list of the top 100 draft prospects does have Griffin at # 20.
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no shit they don't have any playing experience but I figured I'd drawl it out in crayon for some of our buddies from Texas as usual....

Drawl? :biggrin:

Sandgk, you've got to be kidding. Of course Texas' secondary are all 1st round picks. You can simply look at them and know that.

Oh, and here's proof that your list is "suspect"

<TABLE class=bgBdr cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=575 border=0><TBODY><TR class=bgC onmouseover="this.className='bgHigh';" onmouseout="this.className='bgC';"><TD vAlign=top noWrap>15 </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Leon Hall </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>CB </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Michigan </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>5-11 </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>195 </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>4.43 </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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