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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

But your missing the fact that Texas is not reloading, 17 of the 22 players on the defensive two deep are back.

But you are missing the point that Texas DID lose arguably the most important player to one team in the last 30 years.

tOSU lost personnel but Texas lost its identity. You can tell me all you want about others picking up the slack and blah blah blah...however, deep in your soul you are scared that the old Longhorns will return. What will happen when VY is not there when the Horns need a play. What happens the first time some of the guys hit the panic button? Who is there to be the calming influence?

You do not reload, replace, or re-anything a Vince Young.
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You do not reload, replace, or re-anything a Vince Young.

Cloning is out of the question then?

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But you are missing the point that Texas DID lose arguably the most important player to one team in the last 30 years.

tOSU lost personnel but Texas lost its identity. You can tell me all you want about others picking up the slack and blah blah blah...however, deep in your soul you are scared that the old Longhorns will return. What will happen when VY is not there when the Horns need a play. What happens the first time some of the guys hit the panic button? Who is there to be the calming influence?

You do not reload, replace, or re-anything a Vince Young.

Bah... Of course VY was a great QB, but Colt McCoy and Jevan Snead were both 8 star recruits. They might not make Texas fans say "Vince Who?" But it's safe to say they won't miss a beat.
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Oh, and I forgot... I don't recall who it was, Cleve maybe, who said that it's been in the mid 90's in Cbus the last few days... Well, you're a damn liar. There's still snow on the ground here and you know it.

OK... I think I've made my point with the nitwit talk...

Moving on..
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Add to that Texas loses the 1050 rushing yards and rushing 12 TDs that Young had. I seriously, seriously doubt that the two new QBs combined will be in the same parsec of those stats.
Better be careful, Xray might take offense to your use of parsec. He can be very touchy when people misuse scientific terms to describe football!

Aside from that, I agree. UT loses their leading rusher and passer and thinks the offense will just keep humming...
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Better be careful, Xray might take offense to your use of parsec. He can be very touchy when people misuse scientific terms to describe football!

Aside from that, I agree. UT loses their leading rusher and passer and thinks the offense will just keep humming...

And you lose almost your entire defense and assume we will need a V. Young to make it 2 wins in a row. Right.
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And with a freshman QB playing, Texas won't win this one if he doesn't come prepared for possibly the biggest college football game of his life.

Probably any other year in the history of Texas football( with the exception of the late 60's teams) a freshman QB would spell disaster. Few teams,(if any) have that much experience and talent surrounding him as Snead, or Colt will have. With our defense, and home field advantage, I like our chances alot. tOSU will be the higher ranked team with 2 heisman candidates, all the pressure is on you. Let's see if you can handle it.
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Probably any other year in the history of Texas football( with the exception of the late 60's teams) a freshman QB would spell disaster. Few teams,(if any) have that much experience and talent surrounding him as Snead, or Colt will have. With our defense, and home field advantage, I like our chances alot. tOSU will be the higher ranked team with 2 heisman candidates, all the pressure is on you. Let's see if you can handle it.

Also Smith and Zwick had just as much, maybe more talent than Texas this year in last years game and we all know how that ended up.
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Add to that Texas loses the 1050 rushing yards and rushing 12 TDs that Young had. I seriously, seriously doubt that the two new QBs combined will be in the same parsec of those stats.

What you neglect to consider is that more than half Vince's 12 carries will go to Charles and Young, and the QBs should still make 20 yards or so a game, as they are both good runners. The net effect on those 12 carries will likely be 10 -15 yards a game. Do you really think those 10-15 yards will be the deciding factor?

A similar argument can be made on passing yardage, or do your expect Texas to have zero passing yards next season?
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I think we could see something like the second game at NCST.
They lost arguably the best QB to have played in Ohio Stadium in many years. Phillip Rivers.
And had to replace him with backups and fantastic freshman.
Their defense was terrific.
We didn't have a lot of offense, but it was never in doubt.
We played conservatively and waited for the other team to make mistakes.
It ended up like 24 to 17.
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