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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Last years win had much more to do with the Texas defense than the UT offense and V. Young. Texas is not going to have to score 30 points to beat tOSU. Having said that, I don't think anyone comes close to scoring 30 on our defense.

Much more to do with facing the 2nd best OSU QB for >50% of the game.

Can't score 30?

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I just want to see you say that OSU played with 2 QBs last year against Texas. Just one time.

Yes you played with two QB's and you still almost won the game. If Colt is the starter your facing a QB who has a year of scrimmage time against our defense, he has traveled with the team to all the big games, he will have practiced with the first team all spring and summer, and will have a game(N. Texas under his belt before tOSU. That type of experience is comparable with what Zwick had before the game last year.

Justin Zwick played a so so game last year, and he is not the reason tOSU lost. All Texas needs from it's talented but unproven young QB's is to get it to the skill people, that they have the talent to do.
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That type of experience is comparable with what Zwick had before the game last year.
...and you have just proven how much you really know about your opponent.

Justin Zwick started the first 6 games in 2004, the bowl game, and then obviously started at the beginning of 2005.

Your boys' experience is not even close to that.
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Can't score 30?


Maybe I should remind them that USC put up 28 points and 344 yards on them in the second half, including TDs on their first four possessions. Leinart destroyed Texas' secondary that half, going 14 of 15 for 168 yards during those four drives, and 16 of 19, 205 yards, a TD, and no INTs for the half.
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... and will have a game(N. Texas under his belt before tOSU. That type of experience is comparable with what Zwick had before the game last year.

Piling on what grad said, not only did Zwick start the first six games of 2004, he also started the 2004 Alamo Bowl and played the last 50 minutes or so on a bum leg (pulled hamstring). He then went 17-23-1 (73.9%), 155 yards, 1 TD against a Miami (Oh) team in last year's opener. His game experience going into the Texas game last year dwarfs any experience any of the QBs can gleam from camp and in a game against North Texas going into this year's game. And keep in mind that North Texas was a 2-9 team from the SunBelt conference last year, so I doubt they will prepare your QBs much.
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T. Smith is no M. Leinart.
You are right...he is MUCH more mobile and has a better arm.

...and neither of the two rookies UT will roll out against tOSU can carry VY's jockstrap when it comes to big game experience, pure guts, and game breaking ability.

Better take a big swig of that Dewars...water is awfully cold beneath that cracking ice

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Rgaurdless of the statistical breakdown of each player, for a team to have that many talented players (17 -22) with that much experience returning, dosen't happen very often. Where will this be a huge and maybe deciding factor, that would be in the 4th qtr of a game that the temp will still be in the 90's and a field temp of still well over 100. Anyone from tOSU who wants to dismiss the heat factor should think otherwise. It's freaking miserable right now, and the hottest months in Texas still await. Aug and Sept. This Texas Defense is going to be something special. Is the tOSU offense the unstoppable machine it is being touted as?
You made a good point in there....August is the hottest month in Austin. The rest of that idiotic babble is pure UTMNC genius.
90 degrees at 10 pm in September....when the average low is under 69 degrees for the month....possible I suppose, but unlikely. Also, September is the 4th hottest month in Austin.
Perhaps for your next "king of the dipshits" post you can trot out the superior shoe laces the Longhorns will be using in September, and what kind of advantage they will have over tOSU.
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You made a good point in there....August is the hottest month in Austin. The rest of that idiotic babble is pure UTMNC genius.
90 degrees at 10 pm in September....when the average low is under 69 degrees for the month....possible I suppose, but unlikely. Also, September is the 4th hottest month in Austin.
Perhaps for your next "king of the dipshits" post you can trot out the superior shoe laces the Longhorns will be using in September, and what kind of advantage they will have over tOSU.
I wouldn't quite call it "ioditic babble." While I don't necessarily agree with UTMNC generally, I think he does have a point on the weather. The thing that is characteristic of S. Texas heat is humidity. The actual measurement of temperature does not take humidity into account. Heat index, on other hand, is a much better assessment of "how hot it actually feels" (taken from wikipedia) as it takes into account relative humidity. It is very much akin to the measurement of wind chill.


If you take into account that link, 90 degrees at 10 pm in September is pretty good guess. On a side note, average low does not have any type of time constraints. I'm thinking that you might have just assumed that night time was the coolest time all day. The low during both of those days in the graph is actually predicted to be in the early morning, very close to sunrise.

Here's another fun fact related to the heat index taken from Wikipedia:

"...in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on July 8, 2003, the dewpoint was 95 °F (35 °C) while the actual temperature was 108 °F (42 °C) giving it a relative humidity of 67%. The heat index at that time was 176 °F (80° C) in the shade and 191 °F (88 °C) in the sun." :yow1:

The temperature in Phoenix, AZ may have been comparable that day, however I'm not sure I can say anyone in Dhahran would have chosen to be in Dhahran instead of Phoenix that day.

With all that said, I think heat will play little to no role in the outcome of the game (both teams must fight the heat).

For those interested in the heat index article:

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2006 Game Review

I just finished rewatching the Texas, PSU and ND games. Conclusion: Texas was by far the best team we faced last year. They have suprising team speed and excellent tackling skills. Most of their receivers are returning. All of their backs and most of their lines will be back.

I'm glad TS and the team will have more time to gel and get on the film and make good decisions. It's going to be a really good game once again and a a real battle.

Let's hope the D really matures and gels fast. I don't see Texas being one dimensional and they should not be underestimated whatsoever.

I'll be there baby! Austin! Go Bucks!
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