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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I think we could see something like the second game at NCST.
They lost arguably the best QB to have played in Ohio Stadium in many years. Phillip Rivers.
And had to replace him with backups and fantastic freshman.
Their defense was terrific.
We didn't have a lot of offense, but it was never in doubt.
We played conservatively and waited for the other team to make mistakes.
It ended up like 24 to 17.

I belive the QB you are talking about is Phillip Rivers.
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And you lose almost your entire defense and assume we will need a V. Young to make it 2 wins in a row. Right.

Your right UTMNC........I feel as if I'm matching wits with some sort of damn humanized robot, who happens to be a Longhorn fan. You guys won't miss Young, he was nothing for Texas. Of course those plays were designed last season......you know, the ones where he dropped back to pass......saw nothing, but then tucked the ball down and took off running for a 40 yard gain. What did they call that one in the huddle again? "QB 40 yard scramble on three........ready......break!".

I know, I know.....that is standard in Texas you say. "Scramblin" Chris Simms used to do it all the time, same thing could be said for "ol crazy legs" Major Applewhite.

I am scared by the fact that Texas has found a way to clone Deon Sanders and Ronnie Lott and fill their secondary with them. 7 star recruits is what they call them.........everything is bigger in Texas ya know? Troy Smith has a hard time sleeping at night.......trust me, he calls me sometimes........and we discuss strategies for making the most out of our Chia Pet (Mine goes by the name of The Dirt Bike kid)....it helps take Smith's mind off of that nasty Texas defense that probably will allow -134 yards in the opener.

Anyhow, I guess we'll just hope that the J.V. backups that we signed out of high school a few years back will drink their Red Bulls before the game, and play a game that would make Rudy proud (dare I say....an Espy worthy performance......didn't you guys have someone who was nominated for an ESPY last season?) that way we'll keep it within 24 points.

So, I'm willing to concede defeat to you. It's plain as day that you had first round draft picks riding the pine behind guys who went later in the draft. It's so damn brilliant.

Griffin, Cedric CB 6-0 198 2 round
Huff, Michael SS 6-0 203 1 round
Wright, Rodrique DT 6-5 306 7 round

Hell Griffin went in the 2nd round.......Damn that Mack Brown, he held out the GOOD Texas talent for this season, anticipating an early departure by Young. He's a clever one.

Tonight I begin my prayer that one day Jim Tressel will have a football program that will be mentioned in the same breath as Texas.
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What you neglect to consider is that more than half Vince's 12 carries will go to Charles and Young, and the QBs should still make 20 yards or so a game, as they are both good runners. The net effect on those 12 carries will likely be 10 -15 yards a game. Do you really think those 10-15 yards will be the deciding factor?

A similar argument can be made on passing yardage, or do your expect Texas to have zero passing yards next season?

Wow, you are coming in fast on UTMNC as the most clueless poster in this thread. You actually think that converting half the Vince Young carries to RB carries won't have an affect on your offense? You think a fast, tall, nimble QB--with a threat to throw--running around is no more of a threat than a handoff? If that's the case, then why did Vince Young run so much last year? And your new QBs averaging 0.8-1.2 ypc is going to be the same as having the danger of a Vince Young at QB? You simply can't be serious...
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UTMNC said:
Last years win had much more to do with the Texas defense than the UT offense and V. Young. Texas is not going to have to score 30 points to beat tOSU. Having said that, I don't think anyone comes close to scoring 30 on our defense.
I just want to see you say that OSU played with 2 QBs last year against Texas. Just one time.
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